19- gringotts

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Talking to death, life or time
Point of view/Authors notes/time skips
~=start or end of memories
Third Person POV

The next day Olivia and Tom had apparated to the front of gringotts, both wearing a simple glamour to hide the features that will easily get them attention. (such as their hair color, and eye color).

In the eyes of the public they simply looked like a random muggleborn family, seeing as none of their features stick out.

Olivia leads them to the first goblin she spoke to last time she was here.

"Excuse me, I'm not sure if you remember me but I dearly need to speak to Griphook, its a rather private matter however and we may wait as long as needed." she announced.

He looked rather puzzeled like the first time they met and stared at Olivia, deep in thought. "Ah, right away Ms.Potter I will let him know you are here as well as the... changes you have made."

He quickly called out for Griphook and led them to his office when he didn't reply, suprisingly tom never said a word.

"Ah Ms-Olivia.. its so nice to see you, i take it you have come to recieve your ladyship as well as heirship rings?" Griphook said, sitting at his desk, facing her.

She nodded her head and turned towards Tom waiting for his response. He cleared his throught before finally announcing his presence.

"Ah Lord Voldemort, are you here to finally claim your rings as well" Griphook questioned as he turned to look at him.

Tom looked rather puzzeled. Why are all these damn goblins so nice all of a sudden, when he was insane, not that he still isnt, the goblins always acted as if they were more superior than everyone else.

"Yes I am, me and my heir would also like to check for any creature blood or in Olivia's case, blocks that Dumblebitch could've put to stop her from having it." he said.

The goblin smiled a creepy smile , probably due to them practically never smilling, and agreed. He had them both slice their palms and watch as 7 drops of blood poured onto two separate sheets of paper.

Olivia's paper

Creature inheritance

Date of inheritance: JULY 31ST 12:00AM- UNBLOCKED JULY 31ST 8:00AM 1991

Creature: Ice phoenix

Ablilities: Phoenix animagus form, Ability to be reborn [ exactly like a regular phoenix except you will melt completly and then freeze back together in 10 seconds in case of accidental death ], strong relations with creatures of the water such as merpeople and will be able to communicate with them

Disadvantages: Your body temperature will stay the same but internally you will feel very cold until you get used to your creature, being near fire may cause exhaustion, being away from your mate for a long period of time will cause a massive amount of pain (1 month or more)

Mate: Known- 15 year old male ; Birthday: June 5th ; creature: Veela ; Name- Draco Lucius Malfoy

Name: Olivia Lily Potter-Snape

Alias: Princess Erebus

Toms Paper

Creature inheritance

Date of inheritance: DECEMBER 31ST 12:00AM 1942- CURRENTLY BLOCKED

Creature: unicorn

OK im messing with you heres his real creature.

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