20- Parkinson

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Talking to death, life or time
Point of view/Authors notes/time skips
~=start or end of memories

Third person POV

Tap tap tap ...

That's all that can be heard from Rita Skeeter


She looked up and down the streets casting a quick tempus. It was 11:59 and Lady Peverell was no where to be seen.

Just as the clock stuck 12:00pm a small figure appeared in front of her, covered in a black robe. She took her hood off and motioned for Rita to follow her.

Olivia knew she could never fully trust Rita, which is why she's leading her into an empty muggle cafe.

She's been here multiple times as Harry and knows exactly how to bribe the owner into letting her have her way.

She sits down at a table near the entrance that's also next to the window in order to make sure no muggle saw them.

She waves her hand in the air and casts a silencing charm wordlessly.

'Hermione would've been so impressed' she thought.

"Lady Peverell shall we get started?" Rita announced. She hated not being able to add her twists her to stories but she hated waiting for gossip even more.

Ever since she got the letter from Olivia she could not stop the smile that came onto her face.

She always thought there was something off with that old coot but could never prove it.

No one could.

If you tried, you would mysteriously never show up to work again.

No one could prove who did it but many of the believers of the dark side had suspicions.

"If this first article gets the right attention... we will meet here again and ill give you more stories. Don't name me in any of these articles, and if you must use someone as a source of information, use the name Azalea Evans, cousin to Lily Potter nee Evans." Olivia advised

Rita nodded and took her quill out of her bag, ready to write.

"My quill is going to be spelled to write down everything you say, then I'll revise it so that it seems as if a third party had spoken about it and let you read it afterwards, is that alright" she questioned.

Olivia nodded and began her story.

"As you know I used to live with muggles..."

While Olivia was in her meeting, this is the chaos of malfoy manor

Unconscious and laid carefully in his bed, was Draco Malfoy.

His mother, who was an excellent healer, was forced to knock him out in order to properly look at his medical history over the past year.

'oh no.. my poor baby... your father better handle this before me and olivia can get our hands on that pug-faced abomination' 

She continued to curse the Parkinson heir in her head while leaving the room to get the proper potions to heal Draco.

She walked down the stairs and into Severus' potion lab smiling softly as she heard her husband scream curse after curse down in their dungeons.

He was a fair man, he loved his wife with all his heart and loved Draco even more because he was apart of him and her.

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