5.B.A ✔️

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Talking to death, life or time
Point of view/Authors notes/time skips
Don't want to give it away before u read the story. Guess what B.A means. No it does not mean Barry Allen :-P

Olivia's point of view:
I never thought I would get this type of life. I never thought that Severus Snape, the half blood prince, is letting me... paint his nails. HE EVEN CHOSE THE COLOR!

One would think he would pick black or clear right? Wrong! He chose the most girly color ever. Pink. Not even just pink, hot pink.

I love my life right now, Narcissa or as she asked me to call her, Cissa, is like family to me. She makes sure I feel safe and she is so caring towards me. An even better mother figure to me than Mrs.Weasley.

Lucius or as I call him, lucy, is more nicer to house elf's. He's shown me the Malfoy library and different spells I can practice that I've never heard of.
I've even found some books written in parseltounge that are very entertaining.

And Draco, or dragon, is my best friend. He makes me smile and laugh, he makes me feel protected when he hugs me by surprise. If I have a nightmare he's always the first I turn to. Draco Malfoy to me is my protector.

My life is so.. unexpected. If someone had told me a month ago I'd be a girl living with Severus Snape and The Malfoys I would've sent them to Saint Mungos hospital.

Sevvie is the father I never got the chance to have. Once Draco hugged me from behind, his hands wrapped around my waist while his head on my shoulder. Once Sevvie saw he said, "GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY DAUGHTER DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY!" As you can tell he's very overprotective.

But who could blame him, I just got into his life after 11 years, I don't think he's ready for me to be near anyone. 

Third person:
The professor comes down the stairs to see his god daughter sitting at the couch near the fire place reading a book.

But he doesn't come down empty handed. No he comes down with a potion in his hand. What kind you say? Well none other than a potion to help him blood adopt her of course.

He smiles to himself, thinking about having a daughter to call his own. While all Olivia was thinking, was about how to help Sirius. He was always there for her as harry.

Meanwhile Draco Malfoy is in the library catching up on some reading.

And Narcissa and lucius.

Well Narcissa is going to try and make a marriage contract for Olivia and Draco. She just knows there going to end up together.

While Lucius is trying to stop his wife since the Parkinson's want there daughter to marry their Draco.

But she doesn't care, the Parkinson child can wed Another. All she knew was that Olivia makes her son happy.
And that's all the information she needed to know.

Snappers point of view:
"Olivia!" I yelled. I saw my god daughter running to me, wearing a knee length green dress, a black thin sweater, black flats and White socks, and A green head band, shimmering in the light. Completing the look.

"Olivia I'm going to need a piece of your hair for this to work"I instructed her. She did it then soon I did, after that we dropped 2 drops of blood in there. I shook the potion making sure none spilled.

As soon as I was done I instructed her on what to do. She drank half of the potion, her whole body glowing in Gold. I did the same and felt a rush of power course through me. Last thing I saw was Olivia falling, then nothing but darkness.

——time skip from a flying unicorn——

Third person:
Narcissa, Lucius and Draco came running into the room, hearing screams from what sounds like Olivia.

Draco quickly rushed to her side and grabbed her before she fell.
He looked at the beautiful girl in his arms as thought 'how can someone get more beautiful'

You see here. Draco never mentioned it before but he has a major crush on Olivia. He just doesn't want to ruin anything by telling her. She just got into his life. He doesn't want to ruin it.

It was just a crush... just a silly little crush..

A/n Or was it ;)

And more beautiful? Well now she has long silky hair with strands of red and shimmering pale skin. She got more curvy and her face features look more like her mother's and Snapes than of potters.

But what really surprised them was when she opened her eyes. Her eyes weren't a green nor a black. No they were a beautiful hazel.

You could see the green with blue and brown, and even some flecks of gray. Gasps were heard when she opened her eyes. No one in the entire wizarding world has ever had a mix of eyes after a blood adoption. They either stayed the same or changed to the blood adopters eye color.

But then again, it shouldn't be much of a surprise. Olivia always did or had what seemed like the impossible. Only to prove it is possible.

They next turned to snape. His hair was the same but longer and his nose was a bit smaller. His hair was more neater than before but his skin was as pale as Olivia's. When he opened his eyes, more gasps came. They were exactly like Olivia's, if not a bit more blue.

Both, the now daughter and father, groaned but had energy to get up.
Next thing all you hear are loud rumblings from Olivia's stomach.

Draco bursts out laughing. "Can't go a minute hungry after just waking up can you livvy divvy"he said, using the nickname she quite hated.

"Nope! Now get off the floor dracy-kins" she said using the nickname he hated, while smirking.

He rolled his eyes but smiled and got up.

They all got up and left to the dining room eating the food the house elves already prepared. The next hour was spent of them talking or reading.

Draco and Olivia went upstairs to there rooms and said good night.
As Olivia closed her bedroom door all she could think about was, that she finally had a father.

Sorrrryyyyy I haven't updated quickly. I'm back at school so I'm now updating at least once a week from now on. And this chapter wasn't the best and whoever guessed B.A meant Blood Adoption. Well you correct! Word count is 1123

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