Year Null: Introduction

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                 ~ad astra per aspera~

Sector Milky Way: only humans (?)
System: Solar
Planet: Earth

2000 years ago:
Earth is tormented by industrialism and pollution. As many dystopian movies morbidly guessed, war and chaos is raging everywhere, in a futile attempt to control and save what's left of the valuable earthly resources. The last thing the planet remembers is a swarm of heavily armed mercenaries dressed in black, killing most people and forcing their control over the last functioning water facility. While the planet was dying, a top secret project on the moon was announced to the general public. An ark. A hope for humanity to live on. Humanity did live on, and prospered on the ark for a few decades. But this is not what this story is about...

And in what should have been humanity's final days, an unlikely discovery was made: a place beeming with life, full of opportunity for a fresh start: the Dakles Major galaxy!

Humanity has made the Dakles Major galaxy a new home. For many years, all humans had put their disagreements aside, working together, to create glorious, prosperous cities, facilities in order to make break through in all new science, biology and more. They created bonds with the native species and joined forces to explore even the farthest corners of Dakles. But the hardwired bad habits within the human race, starting with greed, have carried over, being the very same thing that destroyed earth in the first place, hundreds of years ago. A single man called Synox has managed to bring this prosperous galaxy to instability, wanting control over entire planets for his mining operations. He didn't even hesitate to bring the galaxy to the brink of war and he didn't want to compromise. With the help of various like-minded dangerous individuals he gave the titles of Dons and Dukes, he managed to assemble a very strong military force and officially begin an intergalactic war. Resuming what was long forgotten. A peace keeping organization named Federation assembled from the ground up and has the task of stopping them. And with the first battle begins a war no body would expect to last that long. Even the native to the galaxy sentient species chose their sides alongside those two titan corporations and villains and heroes were born. Writing the story of Federation: a hundred years of war.

Federation: Galactic Resource WarsWhere stories live. Discover now