Year I: Act3: Defending Dream

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Sector 1: almost completely uninhabited
System: DR
Planet: DR-1M (dead rocky planet)

After several months, Triopal was now officially a member of the Federation's 3-21 elite battalion. Her incoperable battle skills helped her achieve the position of front line scout operation vehicles and her role as a Federation Corporal gave her the opportunity to lead her own squad.

Rollerblade Scouts were two legged armed vehicles, with both long and short range weapons making them the go to infiltration vehicle for the Federation, each operated by two people, connected with a neurolink. Normally, the Scout wasn't possible to be operated by one person, but Triopal managed that, flawlessly and effortlessly.
As the weeks went by, she and Initiate Tayler, grew ever so close and that showed on their first campaign together, on planet DR-1M.

This planet is a large floating rock boulder, situated on a small system in the outermost layer of the Galaxy. DR-1M could be considered a dead planet, with a depleted atmosphere of Kalium and Chlorium and a frozen, dead core, stripped of all beauty and unique characteristics, it once had. But this planet became the subject of increasing interest, since it was later found out, what caused the death of the core, was a small mining operation from a long since bankrupt company called Deep Met that went wrong and was abandoned. Synox was there for the abandoned metal resources and the old equipment worth trillions of credits, and the Federation wanted to have control over this planet, as an outpost base.

Three Zeta-99 Command Units were dispatched from the headquarters, with Tayler, Triopal and a thousand soldiers and were tasked to secure the outpost location and prevent possible interference of Synox.

The Federation forces were the first to arrive on site. As fast as they could they set a base in the largest abandoned drill that was the first to reach the planet's core and destroy it. The drill itself was molten to a pile of metal but the support and operation buildings were standing haughty and untouched by any environmental conditions.
The operation building was a large red construct, looking like a star, with five sections stretching upward and ending in a glass and concrete spherical construct with destroyed satellite dishes and antennas at the top. The support building was a small warehouse-like construct and a large conduit and dynamo were on its side. Tayler set his office on the support building, and restored the power, making the control one, functional. They spent a day settling in.

Synox sank in his chair, overlooking outside his private frigate's cockpit. He presses a button on the arm of the chair and mumbles something in a different language. The hydraulic door of his office opens and a mysterious man walks in.

"You asked to see me, Leader?" Asks the mysterious man with a hard and mechanised voice.

"Yes, Don Essario. You and chief Pen Aerel, are tasked with securing a planet of extreme value for our projects. I'll assign a battalion of my forces under your command, and you shall lead them to victory."

"Is any resistance expected?" Asks Essario.

"The Federation's forces are already there" Synox replies with a shadowy grin. "Don't hesitate to get messy." He completes his sentence.

Essario nods, turns and leaves.
"Let the resource wars begin!" Shouts Synox with a triumphant roar.

The morning on DR-1M arrived with a morbid thunderstorm. The sky was painted deep gray and purple lighting, violently striking the station's lighting rods and the magnetically charged metal deposits.

At first, only a few frontline assault jets attacked, but were easily neutralized. Then, through the thick clouds a grand and intimidating Synox frigate made an appearance. The frigate itself had a long body, covered with side cannons, ending in a gravity ring and tentacle-like propellers. The cockpit in front resembling a hammerhead shark and bellow it, a large and sturdy orbital Cannon was tieing the design together. The orbital Cannon fires up, and only barely misses the shot above the main command center. The Federation's Command Units take flight and start firing against the frigate suppressing its systems and preventing it from firing another shot, better calculated.

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