Year III: Act 4: Spit your Ideals

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The next day, Tayler felt like he returned to his old self. Shouting orders, organizing strategy plans and checking weapons, but there was this weird tone of respect towards his soldiers.
As Tayler and the soldiers of the 3-21 order were creating formations and stocking up on ammunition, Roxanne enters the warehouse.
A soldier lifts his head and greets her.

"Hey, Rox!" He says with a cheerful voice.

Rox waves back with a girly gesture. Tayler comes out of a large container carrying a heavyweight minigun.

"Dad, can I speak to you?" Her voice echoed clear through the massive warehouse.

Tayler carefully places down the minigun and walks towards the girl.

"What's up?"

"I've made some calculations. Optima, even though it's dictating the planet and restricts our resources flow, they're considered an ally. I would suggest we would ask for their assistance."

Tayler narrowed his eyes.

"We would have to call representative Amadeus"

"We don't have much time, let's act quickly."

After only a few hours, a large space shuttle wearing the Optima logo, landed in front of the main entrance. Tayler, Rox, and some soldiers of the 3-21 formed a welcome squad. Representative Amadeus walked down the shuttle's ramp slow, sluggish with a bunch of heavily armed Optima emissarys. The look of superiority and arrogance skulpted on their faces. Their weapons were alien, looking like spears, but it was obvious that they could shoot out of them. Two sharp blades either side with carved details tied the design and different exposed mechanical parts were hanging from the handle. Amadeus was wearing a traditional Greedan suit, with a couple of intriguing designs on the sleeves and the chest plate.

"Welcome, Representative." Exclaims Tayler.

"You asked to see me, Human?"answers Amadeus with a snobish look.

"Yes, look, we got word from valid sources that we have an extremely large military force of Synox militia is heading our way, in order to destroy this facility on the planet and many more if given the chance. We request your support with numbers and air force and help our cause of protecting thus planet and the facilities on it."

"Look, human, Greed is a very large, rich and diverce planet, and Optima is only a handful of people that have took it up on themselves to protect it. What makes you believe that we will help you, a small dispatch, stationed in one outpost, protect a facility that doesn't immediately benefit us?"
Amadeus argued.

"Benefits can be negotiated of course. But  if you don't help us stop Synox forces here, they could very well expand around your planet." Tayler's voice was now much louder and angry.

Amadeus laugs exhaling.
"Human, Optima and Synox share one thing in common. We both value our resources. I can see why Greed could be of their interest. I wish of no blood to be shed, so I would try to come to a bargain with them."

Tayler clenched his teeth.
"You do realize you would be breaking the intergalactic contract your government and Federation's Initiates have signed, right?" He spits out enraged.

"Greed's government has turned its back on us for years!" Screams Amadeus. "Granted that, we're currently in the third year of your open conflict with Synox, and so far you've lost all the planets you've tried to defend! You need to view it from a strategic point of view, we need Synox! You need them too!"

"How could you possibly dare to say this!" Screams Tayler and he grabs Amadeus from his suit's collar. "Synox, the oppressive, sadistic man whose influence has soaked houdreds of trillions of lives in blood and destruction! How could you even dare to consider that he might be on the right!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2023 ⏰

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