Year III: Act 1: The broken

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On the trip back to P0-6, Tayler wasn't much of a conversationalist. He insisted on flying back in the Trauma team transport and a few of his trusted soldiers followed suit. He spent most of his time staring at the black bodybag with a deformed figure inside of it. His trusted soldiers, the two operators of the Scout savior. Their names: Damon and Ophelia, Tango's operators and Triopal's closest friends. They stood by him as he stared, his eyes bloodshot and his face dirty with mud and dried blood.

  On arrival, Tayler met with his former master,  Israus.

Israus was a middle aged woman, not older than 35. Her lower body was missing, replaced by four metallic sharp spider legs, decorated in white and gold, and the Federation emblem. Her torso was longer than most, implying that she used to be really tall when she had her legs. Her curves toned by a simple tight fit shirt with many intriguing alien designs on it. Her face was covered by a blinder, fit in the white - golden scheme and her golden blonde hair was tied in a long ponytail. Here weapons were resting tangled in a mess of holsters and belts.

"Welcome, dear Tayler." She exclaimed stumbling on him.

"Master Israus! It's been so long!"

Her eyes soon darkened.
"I sense great sadness in you, child." She exclaims.

"It's true, master." Replies Tayler.
"I have suffered a great loss, one I didn't know I could carry. A loss so great that will take time to recover."

Israus lowers her head.

"Losing a loved one is hard, dear Tayler, but that is nothing but war's nature. You need to stay strong. You know you could count on me." She finally says and gives him a warm handshake and a hug.

Tayler reacts with a faint, sad smile.
"Thank you, master." He says and hugs her back.

Triopal was buried with great honor and a large, traditional to the Iridian people, burial ritual, while many high ranking Federation members attended it. Her corpse was brought in, clean and somewhat reassembled, covered in a white cloth.
Tayler, Damon and two other high ranking Federation members brought in Iridian herbs and aromatic oils, and dropped them on the cloth making it semi transparent. Her face appeared under it, deformed and lifeless, but with a peaceful look, even when dead. Then, Israus chimed a spell, a wish to Irida's god of water to take Triopal's soul to a better place. And finally, Tayler with tears forming down his tough face, throws a handful of seeds, soil and water. The alien seeds immediately bloom, forming a beautiful large red flower, looking much like a coral, with a wood stem, signaling the end of the ritual. As they buried the corpse in a highly decorated tomb, Ophelia, Damon and Israus didn't leave Tayler's side.

Tayler spent days grieving for her. And as the days went by, he was asked to embark on more campaigns.

"Our forces have set on a mission to Synox governed system Starrak, and are currently fighting over the ocean word of Storm, planet Fond's satellite. We need your trustworthy and capable brain to lead them." Stated Israus one day, barging into his personal quarters.

"But, what about Irida? It's still war torn and still raided by Synox forces." Tayler protested. "There are men and women that I fought for, hard! You can't give me a different objective, since my current one is still ongoing!"

"Look, child, our strategic interests focus on other worlds at the moment, and Storm is one of those. Irida's situation requires much more resources for us to put under control, besides, we still have many men fighting for it. Irida should not be your focus. Focus on Storm!"

"What are you even talking about! Since when does the Federation fight for strategic interests? Since when did we stop fighting for peace?" Tayler shouted with overwhelming rage, clenching his fist.

"Since it becomes a full scale war, you romantic, self-destructive, spoiled brat! I don't know what your perception of peace is when you're already in a three year full scale galactic war!" She lectured, with a louder tone.

"Isn't this our job to stop it from happening?"

"If we stopped the war, then thousands of worlds in our galaxy would be minded to completion by a lunatic, a destroyer of worlds. And he wouldn't stop, because he would only want more! That's why we join a war, Tayler. To stop worse things from happening. And yes, we'll lose. A lot. And Irida happens to be one of the things we lost. So let go of it and do your job! Fly to Storm. Win, make us proud."

"If only killing more people and destroying more habitat and flattering down more cities is the only thing that could win your validation, then it's something I don't need!" He yells hysterically.

"Tayler! Stop acting like a fucking rookie and do your goddamn job! Obey!" Finally screams Israus, losing her temper.

Tayler's face toughens.

"I should have known that I am nothing more than a faithful pawn. I refuse to fight. If you deem yourselves incapable of leading an army, then let them all die in the frontlines, and let Storm back to the hands of Synox" he finally states throwing his hand across the air. He turns his back to her and drops on his dirty bed, burying his face in his palms.

Israus lowers her head. And turns to leave. Suddenly he hears him gurgling and saw him spasming. A stream of blood was running down his nose. She hurried at him and took him in her arms as he blacked out.

"He will take time to recover." States the AI doctor while examining Tayler.

"What happened to him?" Asks Israus observing Tayler's unconscious body. 

"He had a mental breakdown. In other words, he threw a tantrum. His boody's response was immediate and severe, implying that he never had a breakdown before. He has a couple of blood vessels in his head, how can I say it; popped." Replies the AI.

"So, what now?" Asks Israus.

"I'll have him under my care until he regains consciousness, and I'll inject him with sedatives regularly to prevent another breakdown. Initiates mental state is fragile right now. You'd better let me handle it" replies the AI calmly.

"I see" she nods, and leaves the room, heading towards the Initiate office, at the top of the headquarters.

The office was overlooking the city. The first cracks of light appeared as the Lim star rose, showering the otherworldly buildings and machinery in a sweet golden light. There was Saar, smoking what appeared to look like a cigarette, but altered and alienated beyond recognition. He puffed out the smoke while watching the rise, but immediately turned towards Israus' side once he sensed her.

"He's in a tough situation" she anounces as if responding to a never spoken question. Saar nods.

"Storm needs us. And other Initiates have their hands full." Saar says lowering his head.

"I'll go!" She states with confidence instilled in her voice. Saar smiles with pride.

"I'll get your fleet ready to go!"

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