Year II: Act 3: Failing Peace

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The days following the death of governor Clark Falx, Irida falls in lawlessness. It's Constitution laws were completely ignored and anarchy florished. Very few of the Iridian people cared about government, since their hunter instincts were promoting the survival of the fittest. In these unstable times, a small group of peace keepers, named not at all originally "Iridian Peacekeepers" emulating Federation's policies emerged, seemingly out of nowhere. Even though poorly executed, Peacekeepers managed to maintain a thin, fragile balance, that Synox forces soon took advantage of.

Irida looks like it's in the verge of war. The already battle torn citadel has a thick cloud of tension and suspicion looming over it. At the end of the day all that the Peacekeepers managed to accomplish is to make everyone hostile to everyone.
Scorpion is once again found roaming old familiar roads, but now Pen and a couple of battle hardened ex-Synox soldiers are beside him. And they were heading straight to the U.H.O's main headquarters. The sterile main room of the headquarters was empty and the conference room was damaged, no longer floating over the intriguingly decorated staircase. He enters the conference room and smiles. He heads to the top of the table and sits at the large chair, that used to belong to his father, Eneal. Scorpion knew of his father's death. Although deeply sad, the chance of him becoming a leader of U.H.O, or even taking his place as a Synox Don, put a smile on his face. Now U.H.O was without a leader, and his guidance and skills would be of extreme importance to lead those old, scared and defenseless council leaders to a bright path...
His helmet buzzes with an incoming call, and sure enough it was Synox himself.

"Bounty Hunter Scorpion, I'm informed that you failed to execute your objective and destroy the hydrodam Zion on Irida. I must ask why that is and why aren't you in my office apologizing right now."

Synox's voice sounded calm, but underlying fury was slowly breaking though the cracks in his voice.
Scorpion laughs, almost menacingly and replies with the calmest voice possible.

"Leader, I believe you were only partly informed, since you fail to know that me and cheif Pen Aerel have manage to effectively assassinate governor Clark Falx!"

Synox stays silent on the call for a few seconds.

"We plan on taking over the malfunctioning law system of the planet and place it under our control!"

Continues Scorpion without hesitation. We would appreciate some back up.

"No!" Shouts Synox, to Scorpion's surprise.

"If we send more forces, Federation will know, I can't risk losing another cruiser yet, after the absolute loss on DR-1M! Your orders are to stand down! Await for more orders!"

Scorpion gets heated up.
"With all due respect, Leader, but you pay me to bring you winning battles on this war and right now we have the perfect opportunity to bring a whole planet under our control, I think it's rather stupid to stand down and risk the enemy to get here first, I need one of your cruisers, tonight! I strike, I end the conflict on this sector! And we win, our first major battle!"

Synox breathes heavily, seemingly fuming.

"If you fail, you will pay!" Says Synox grinding his teeth.

"I won't!" Says Scorpion and cuts off the call feed.

Pen looks him with excitement.

"Bring me the leader of the Peacekeepers!" Says Scorpion and lays back in his chair, like a king sitting back on his throne...

P0-6, Federation headquarters.
A trauma team has just brought in around forty soldiers, all of them badly wounded, amongst them Daniel Spencer, missing both of his legs and Pat A-Wang, with severe burns all over his skin. Tayler carefully observes them as they walk by. He had seen many injured in his life, but it was really weird to him that they brought those forty in the headquarters, and not treat them at a local military hospital.

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