Year III: Act 2: Fill in the void

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"You are in no psychological state to go on another campaign, Initiate! Corporal's death seemed to have significantly impacted you." States the medical AI examining Tayler.

He gets out of the examination table and slams his fist on the wall.

"I should ask you to not repeat this action inside the examination room, again."

Tayler says nothing and storms out of the room.

"Initiate, your examination isn't complete" exclaimed the AI, but he was already gone.

He walks down the hallway of the main medical building of the Federation's headquarters on P0-6. He makes a right turn, then a left and slams the emergency exit open. He takes the fire escape route and jumps to the support building with the open satellite control panel. The panel had a long metallic platform. He walks down it and with swift moves he lays down, letting himself gaze through the ever so lively city, with his legs hanging down to an endless industrial void.

The night was sweet and the polar aurora the artificial atmosphere created could be seen clearly, even under the severe light pollution. It was cold, and Tayler was half naked. His skin turned red because of the cold. He didn't care. He closed his eyes and tried to clear his thoughts but to no avail. His thoughts kept coming back to the decision the other Initiates had made about Irida.

"Irida is extremely unstable right now. We cannot afford nor the men or the resources to ensure any stability on the planet. With the capital completely destroyed, we can't help much about their leadership either." Those were the words of Initiate Saar, the Kaghian second-in-command of the Federation's most elite order.

"Our interests focus on different systems at the moment, I'm sorry Tayler." Had stated Initiate Israus, Tayler's first mentor.

-sedative dose, low- reminded him the automatic blood regulator he had to put on after his injuries and his psychological breakdown. He takes a breath and presses a button on the regulator. A small needle pierces his thumb and after a brief expression of discomfort, Tayler's eyes gentled up, as the drug flown through his vains.

He exhales and looks at the city again. Expansive, brutalist, vast, completely artificial. Tayler found no interest in the adds and the rapidly moving cars. He felt alone, abandoned and the only thing he believed could sooth this feeling was for Irida to be redeemed.

"I'm afraid that we need to discard Irida from the allied words and shift our interests on planet Greed, were Greedan people have shown increasing interest in investing to our cause, and being our allies." Those were the words of the Collective, the Kaghian council rulling over the "allied worlds", the worlds that were supposedl on Federation's side.

"Who the fuck even are they, to chose about half of the galaxy's fate?" Tayler asks himself out loud.

Just because Kaghians were there first...

Tayler remembered what he was tought in school. Kaghians were the first carbon based intelligent race to ever exist on Dakles Major. Some even speculate that millions of years ago they created Their own artificial life form, the Centaurs, like Pat A-Wang. Their advancements in technology were the very thing that allowed them to explore their galaxy, discover the habitable planets such as Irida, which was nothing more than savage hunters at the time and much later, receive the human ark's mayday signals. They were the ones that sheltered them and allowed them to influence with their cultures. Tayler exhales.

"What fucking possessed them to allow humans to influence with their culture. We were fucking savages, and we made all others like us..."

The cold becomes unbearable and he hastily ran back inside the building.

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