Year I: Act1: Assault on Irida

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Sector 3: highly populated
System: Ursi Iris
Planet: Irida (habitable earth-like, elliptic shaped planet)

Irida is a prosperous and majestic planet. It's elliptic shape comes from the gravity of the star, but doesn't affect the planet in other ways. It's two natural satellites, Miriam and Iro, stabilize the magnetic gravitational field and make this planet a visual paradise. The planet's hot and deformed due to gravitational forces core, gives the planet a global subtropical climate and frequent rains and meteor showers make the planet a fertile and mineral rich place. The inhabitants are quite like humans. Their only difference is their jade green skin and their culture. Iridians are hunters but have managed to evolve this trait and become an apex predator race with a human- like society but with deep respect towards the planet and the environment.

Young Triopal has her daily combat training. She had an early start today. Ursi was shining bright, and Iro was casting a soft shadow over the surface. Triopal had left the city, to hunt carnivore mammals inside the desert forest. That was her last bit of training. After that, she could become part of the united hunters organization and hunt off planet, maybe even on Miriam's famous hunting grounds. Her train of thought was soon interrupted by a loud roar. She halted abruptly. She hid and observed. In front her was a glorious mammal, a sleeping Ingwe. Ingwes had four legs and four arms, an elongated body, gills and a deformed head with many eyes and three small tentacles with sharp nails in each end, resembling a mouth. It's fur had many beautiful and disorienting colors, many of them Triopal couldn't even name, but white and purple were dominant. She observed. Ingwe skins were virtually bulletproof, so she couldn't just snipe it from a distance. She should go up and personal and that would sure as hell be dangerous. Ingwes aren't friendly. They too, are apex predators. Top of the food chain. Triopal needs to keep that in mind. She drops most of her gear in her hiding place. She needs to be light as a feather in order to dodge and avoid the Ingwe's attacks. All she keeps on her is a small dagger and an automatic pistol. She looks at her gun's magazine. Twelve bullets is all she needs. She kneels and checks her jets attached to her shoes, making sure they are well in their place.
"Show time!" She says and fires up her jets.

The sound of the jet wakes up the creature that makes hissing defensive sound. Triopal launches forward. The creature attacks with the tentacles. She dodges and hurts one with her dagger. The creature gets pissed and with a thundering roar of anger and pain it hits her with it's claws. Triopal is sent flying on a nearby tree trunk. Pain surges through her body. With a decisive look she tightens the grip on her pistol and aims for the creature's eyes. The loud shots echoe through the woods and growls of pain follow. The Ingwe is now blinded and trampling on its feet. Triopal nears the creature. Kneels and slices it's throat. Warm crescent blood stains the purple and white fur as the creature lets out it's final whimpers. She slowly strokes the fur and proceeds back to her hiding place in order to get her machete and dehead the creature. That's her trophy...

"Shonal, I'm home!"

Anounces Triopal as she bulges inside the room and dropping the giant head of the Ingwe on their living room table.
Her brother was a young athletic Iridian, with slightly darker skin and deep blue eyes. His hair was resting loosely on his shoulders, painted blonde, fringe covering his forehead. He pauses his videogame and just looks at her, expressionlessly. Then his look hovers over the head.

"No way you killed this thing." He says.

"Sure did, bitch!" Says Triopal with a playful tone. "Your turn to hunt a mammal down, little bro!" He stares in disbelief.

"You killed an apex predator!"


"And you're unharmed?"

"I believe I broke a couple of ribs but I'm fine!" Replies Triopal still in a playful tone.

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