Chapter 10 Restless

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On that night Jasmine and the twins had gone for a sleepover at Diana's house and being alone she had become restless and had spend most of the evening by her bedroom window waiting for her husband to come home.

It was nine pm by the time his vehicle turned up the driveway. The rain that was drizzling earlier was now pouring. Why was he so late? Where was he all this time? If she ask him, he would only lie again, I bet he was with that bitch. She had thought as anger and jealously spread through her.

Her body was aching for him but her mind was so filled with images of that bitch in his arms that she had ignored the throbbing between her legs and locked him from their bedroom

A few minutes later she heard him turn the door handle and finding it locked began pleading with her to open it, and she wanted to, so badly, more than anything she wanted to feel his arms around her, his lips against hers, his tongue on her body and his shaft inside her

but despite all that she still found the will to harden her heart and ignore him as he continues to plead with her to let him in, after a while, he gave up and left, but not before telling her how much he loves her. She wanted him to stay and plead with her some more, she loves it when he begs but he didn't, he left, leaving her feeling lonely, sad, and so sexually frustrated she felt like screaming.

He always tells her how much he loves her, not a day goes by without him telling her how much he loves her and buying her rose, chocolate, and expensive gifts and she loves him too, with all her heart, even though he wasn't faithful to her she still loves him.

He might be a lying, cheating son-of-a-bitch but he was her lying cheating son-of-a-bitch, he pledged his life to her, she was wearing his ring and he was wearing hers, he belong to her and no way in hell was she going to leave him and allow those bitches to replace her, no way. She groans on her pillow and went back to reminisce in her memories.

Three hours after he had walked away from the door, she was still lying on her back wide awake staring up at the ceiling begging the now pouring rain to serenade her to sleep but to her dismay, it only intensify her sexual desire, at first it was only sexual heat but then it had turned into a raging inferno which had threatened to consume her.

At that moment her skin had become super sensitive, her breasts had stood at attention, and her wet aching private throbbed without mercy. Unable to bear the torment any longer she relented and went in search of her husband, wearing only her pink lace lingerie that hugs her curves like a glove.

Unable to find him inside the house she went to the large glass window that overlook the lawn and the pool, and in the pouring rain, she saw his form in the shimmering light from the lamps.

His sexy muscles flex beneath his wet T-shirt as he flung the Frisbee across the lush green lawn and watched as the dogs lunged after it. For a while she just stood there, her eyes roaming over his muscular soaking wet sexy body as water cascaded down his full length.

Her need for him was so overbearing that she walked with shaking legs towards the front door all the while thinking that he might reject her and she would've deserved it considering how she had treated him earlier.

She had opened the front door and step out, the raindrops stung her skin and soak her lace lingerie in seconds, sending shivers from her head to her toes and covering her body in goose pimples. He saw when she stepped out but didn't approach her, he stood his ground studying her as she slowly walked toward him.

Then it was as if her body gave him the answers he was seeking. His feet had moved swiftly towards her and seconds later he had pulled her against him, captured her lips with his, and begun kissing her hungrily. He kissed her so intensely that her toes literally curled.

His lips then went to her ear where he whispers. 'give me a few seconds.' then after brushing his lips seductively across hers he walked towards the front door, step inside, and flipped the light switch that control the outside lights plunging the yard into darkness.

For a few seconds, she couldn't even see her hands before her face and the rain that had earlier stung her skin was now a cool soothing comfort to her body but only one person could quench the raging inferno that was within her.

He then told her to latch her hands behind his neck and as soon as she did so, he grips her waist and lifts her against him, she instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist as she felt his erection against her throbbing private.

Within seconds his hands were under her butt and he was pumping his full length inside her while sucking on her neck, which send electrifying shock waves of ecstasy pulsing through her entire body.

It wasn't until her back touched the leather lounge chair next to the pool that she realized that he had moved from where he was and within seconds her legs were over his shoulder as he thrust deeper and harder which had her gasping for breath as he brought her to her climax.

She moans and bites her lips as the memories of how she had cried out while digging her nails in his back as he gave her the wondrous release she so desperately craved. She had felt his body shudder as he filled her with his warm seed while whispering erotic words in her ear and telling her how badly he missed making love to her, all while trying to control his breathing.

A few minutes later he lifted her in his arms, took her to their bedroom which she had locked him from earlier, lay her on the bed, stripped off her lace lingerie, and continues to make passionate love to her again and again.

She groans again as the memory made her private throb even harder with sexual frustration, burying her face in her pillow she cried bitterly until she finally falls into an exhausted sleep.

Thank you for reading

have mercy upon me, oh God, according to thy loving kindness, according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies

blot out my transgressions

(Psalms 51 vs 1)

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