Chapter 12 Messed Up

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Scott checks his watch for the tenth time in five minutes. Where was she? Did she change her mind about coming to school? He wouldn't be surprised if she did. He had tried calming her down on the phone earlier but it didn't seem to do much good. There was no easy way to get through what she is going through right now and all he could do was just be there for her.

"You don't need to wait for her you know, she may not be the smartest person but I think even she knows how to find her classroom," Andrea says from behind him. He glance at her but said nothing. "Oh for crying out loud, let's go, the bell is going to ring anytime now and you will be late." She grabs his wrist and was about to pull him toward their class when he saw Jasmine's aunt's car pull into the parking lot. Pulling his hand away from Andrea he ran towards the car.

The car came to a stop but a few seconds went by and no one steps out, so he walk up to the window and gently tap on it. The driver's door opens and her aunt Dana steps out. "She is crying uncontrollably, I told her to skip school today but she insist on coming but she can't go into her class like this." Her aunt says in a worried tone. "I tried consoling her but it didn't work, I'm not sure what to do now."

"I have an idea, let's take her to my aunt Melissa's house, she will know what to do," Scott says opening the back door and stepping into the car, he then taps a crying Jasmine on her shoulder to get her attention. "Hey, come around here for a bit." He says softly. She unbuckles her seat belt, opens her door, and crawls onto the back seat towards him, she then buries her face in his shirt and continues sobbing.

Half an hour later they were driving up his aunt's driveway. Holding her hand he leads her into his aunt's kitchen and seats her at the counter. "Oh, sweetheart." Mrs. Melissa walks over and hugs Jasmine tightly. "I'm trying so hard not to hate her right now, I don't want to hate my mother but how could she do something like this? How could she?" Jasmine cried,

"I'm sorry my dear but I don't even think your mother herself can answer that question, there's no denying it, your mother messed up very badly but you dear sweet child has a choice to make, now you can either choose to remain angry at her or you can choose to forgive her and mend what is left of your relationship, now it won't be easy but you're a strong girl and you have all of us here to support you." Mrs. Melissa says rubbing Jasmine's back gently.

"She doesn't deserve forgiveness, that man is the only father I've ever known, my own father didn't even want me, he put her out when she was pregnant with me, and then she was blessed with a good man and she goes and does something like this, she does not deserve to be forgiven." Jasmine fumes.

"Have you ever done something that you think the Lord or your parents wouldn't forgive you for and it scared you to death because you thought that they would always be angry at you?" Mrs. Melissa asks softly. "Well yes, I was ten, my dad told me to stop running around but I didn't listen, and I accidentally knocked over one of the big Chinese vases and broke it, dad fold his arms and glared at me and I thought the Lord was also angry at me because I didn't listen to my father." She says, her head down.

"But I was ten." She adds defensively. "Doesn't matter what age you are, we can all still mess up, even me and you know this family is big on second chances, right?" "I know," Jasmine pouts. "Point I'm trying to make is that it's really easy to remain angry but it takes a strong person to forgive and don't do it for anyone, do it for you and trust me when I say, it will make you feel so much better than you do right now." Mrs. Melissa smiles warmly.

"I don't know how to forgive her," Jasmine grumbles. "Take it one step at a time, one conversation at a time, just be you and things will fall right back into place." "Okay." "And if I may make a suggestion." Mrs. Melissa adds. "Your eyes are red a puffy right now, so I think that you should take today off from school, give your mind time to settle, and begin fresh tomorrow." She says placing two muffins and a warm glass of milk before Jasmine.

"So will you chill here until I return from school?" Scott asks fifteen minutes later. She nods her head and then asks in a sad tone. "You're still going?" "I have to, I have an assignment that I need to turn in today, or I won't get a grade." "Oh, okay." "Do you feel any better?" "Not really, but I'm willing to try, I'm so tired of being angry." She sigh.

"I'll help any way I can, you know that, right?" "I know, thank you, how will you get to school?" "I'll drop him off on my way to work," Fabian says from behind them. "So your aunt can stay with you." He adds patting her shoulder. "Let's go young blood," Fabian says walking towards his vehicle. "I'll see you after school okay, I have a tutoring session after school so I should be here by four." "Okay, I'll be waiting." "If you have anything you need to get off your chest before that, voice note me on Watts app." After hugging her he runs towards Fabian's vehicle.

Thank you for reading

for man's anger does not bring about the

righteous life that God desire

(James 1 vs 20)                                                  

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