Chapter 13Never fit in

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Scott enter the classroom as the teacher was about to begin the second period. He had already called his first-period teacher and explain his absence, he had then called Jasmine's form teacher and explained her absence. He nods to the teacher as he took his seat and got out his books then snorts as he notices Andrea glaring at him. After his class ended he was packing away his books when a voice came over the intercom.

"Scott Michelson please report to the principal's office." "Serve you right for missing first period, how important do you think you are at this school? You're just a student, like the rest of us." She sneers as he took up his bag and walk from the class. "What was that about?" Amoy asks taking a seat next to her.

"I told his first-period teacher that he left the school compound without saying anything to anyone, and now he's been called into the principal's office, so I guess he's in trouble, serve him right for going after that bitch, I wonder what his punishment will be?" Andrea snorts.

"But if he's been called into the principal's office, won't that affect his chance of becoming head boy?" Amoy asks. "He already has a stick up his ass, so becoming head boy will only make it worse, I'm trying to knock him off his high horse and bring him back down to earth, I mean, just who does he think he is?" Andrea grumbles.

"He's the man that will father my children," Amoy says in a dreamy tone. "Yeah right, the only person he's interested in is his personal little bank account, there's nothing he wouldn't do for her, it's all about money, He acts as if he's all high, mighty and holy but in the end, he's just like any other man out there, greedy for money and the power that comes with it." Andrea says scornfully. "Him being like every other man out there is exactly what I'm counting on." Amoy bits her lips seductively.

Scott knocked on the principal's door and waited. "Come in." She says from the other side. Opening the door he steps in closing it behind him. "Hi Scott," She greets him with a smile. "Good afternoon Miss." He greets her also with a warm smile. "I was told that there was an issue with Jasmine this morning concerning her father, how is she doing now?" She asks.

"Not good, she has a lot of pent-up anger towards her mother which my aunt is currently trying to get her to let go of." "I see, I too am very worried about her father, and not just because he has done a lot for this school but because he's a very good person and he really didn't deserve this."

"I agree." Scott nods. "Do you know how he's doing right now?" She asks in concern. "He's not doing so good either, he's still on life support and is currently fighting an infection but he has some very determine doctors and they are doing all they can to bring him through this, thing is, I get the feeling that he has lost his will to live but I dare not say that to Jasmine, she's already on the edge, I just hope and pray that he'll find the courage and strength to pull through all this," Scott says sounding worried.

"She's doing so well in school, I really don't want this to set her back in her school work but with the state, she's in..." The principal's voice trails off. "Don't worry Miss, I'll help her in any way I can." "You're a good friend Scoot, okay, I'll stop by the hospital and check on Mr. Maxwell later this evening, you may return to class." Okay Miss, have a good day." He smiles before leaving the office.

Diane enters her husband's hospital room and slowly sinks into the chair beside his bed. "Hi, baby boy." She says softly. "I've really made a colossal mess of everything, haven't I? I've alienated Jasmine, my sisters and your aunt, and everyone else that cares about you, which is a ton load of people judging from the number of people that have shown up here to visit you, and for what? Why did I become this person?...

Why do I find it so hard to trust you? Well actually I know the answer to that, it's because compared to you, I'm just dull and boring, I mean look at me, no wonder everyone thinks I don't deserve to be your wife and here I was trying to control you, trying to control everything you do, how stupid of me, you're the ruler of your own universe...

you can not be controlled by anyone, all I did was embarrassed you, hurt you, and put you in this bed, I wouldn't be surprised if you never forgive me for this, if you walk away from me when you wake up, I would deserve no less, I was never fit to be in your world anyway...

I tried to fit in, trust me I did but come on, be honest, I can't even carry you off, walking beside you, I just fade into the background, everyone sees you, greet you, jump to please you, and totally ignore me, I don't even have an identity anymore, I'm just known as Gabriel's wife, you go out of your way, every time to include me, to help me shine but I failed you, every time...

I buy the most expensive clothes, shoes, and jewelry, telling myself that yes I can fit in but I was just kidding myself because no matter what I wear, I'll never fit into your world and I knew that eventually you would realize that and leave me, so I tried beating you to it by pushing you away, distancing myself from you but who am I kidding, I love you with all my heart and it would shatter me to pieces if you should leave me but after what I did..." Taking a deep breath she let her tears fall freely down her face.

I love you, Gabriel, even though I know that I don't deserve you, I love you and I'm sorry for the way I treated you, why the hell you put up with all my shit is beyond me but put up with me you did, a little nobody like me...."

"Damn, you really don't like yourself very much, do you?" A voice asks from behind her.

Thank you for reading

A man who is kind benefits himself

but a cruel man hurts himself

(Proverbs 11:17 )

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