Chapter 29: Return

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Link and I departed the following afternoon, making sure to say goodbye to King Dorephan, Mipha, and Sidon before we left. Sidon gave each of us a big hug while I told his sister and father I would send word to them very soon.

With that Link I left, winding out way along the path that cut through Lanayru and over the Zora River, which was much lower and calmer now. Still I didn't waste any time crossing the multiple bridges. I had my fill of water and rain for a while. The earth was springy and turned mushy once we reached the marshes, saturated from water with all the excess rain.  I spotted the small Goponga Village in the marshes, and wondered how they managed the flooding during the rainy season.  

By the time we reached the Wetland Stables, we were sweaty and our boots and pants were covered with mud. I wore my armored boots, their sheen completely gone as mud coated them. I had told the Zora about my abandoned armor and they actually had been able to retrieve it, which I was unbelievably grateful for.

Arriving at the stables, Link and I quickly washed off and retired to our beds. We hadn't talked much throughout the journey to the stables, and a part of me was uncertain what to even say... mainly because I wasn't sure how to act after I had kissed him.

Link thankfully hadn't brought it up, but I knew it had to be addressed eventually. I couldn't just ignore it as if it had never happened, could I? But did I want that? I shook my head, knowing painfully well want I wanted. But it was destined to fail. How could I drag us through something destined to fall apart?

I kneaded my forehead as I laid in bed. I never should have kissed Link. I had crossed a line, one I was afraid I wouldn't be able to reestablish. But... he had kissed me back... surely that meant....

Stop it. I catechized myself. It could have just been the heat of battle...

I sat up, realizing I could just blame it on that: the heat of the moment. Yes, it didn't mean anything.... Although it had. I was all to aware of how much it had meant.

I glanced over at Link, who noticed me staring at him and arched an eyebrow at me. I felt heat come to my face and stumbled out, "I think I need some fresh air. I'm going to sit by the fire for a few minutes."

Link nodded and then went right back to reading his book while I scurried away. How could he remain so calm? Perhaps it really had meant nothing to him. I sighed and sat down, staring at the crackling flames.

Hylia, I'm acting like a frazzled teenager. I moaned internally to myself.

But in that moment I really was a frazzled teenager, lamenting about something so mundane as kissing the boy I liked. I put my face in my hands, wondering why I was thinking about this when there were a million other more important things to think about. Resolutely I decided that I would have to bring it up sooner or later. It would be best to tell Link it had been a mistake, something that had just happened in a moment of panic and terror. I'd apologize to him and then we could move on.

That's all there was to it, but thinking about it made my heart heavy. Tantalizing thoughts flitted around in my brain... of me telling Link how I actually felt, of his arms encircling me, his lips touching mine once more...

I jumped to my feet, my face beet red from such thoughts. Link was my knight and a good friend. He could be nothing more. That was that. Still the pang of longing in my chest didn't recede. Would it really be so bad, if we were together? Customs can change.

I shook my head. "No. This is the way it has to be."


We left in the morning, both Icefire and Epona happy to see us, even though Icefire gave me a few huffed neighs to show he wasn't happy at being left behind once more. Our pace was casual as we entered back into Central, the grassy plains stretching out before us, Hyrule Castle to the North. There were plenty of people, knights making their way along the road and training in the fields as well as merchants and families. They all offered up waves and polite greetings. Everyone recognized me in Central - I had rather enjoyed just being a regular traveler everywhere else in Hyrule.

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