Chapter 24: Things of the Past

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Warning: More heavy topics in the beginning of this chapter.


We spent one more day in Goron City. I avoided Link, spending most of my time with Daruk and Donos, either discussing battle strategies or war preparations. Daruk and I did more training as well, but we stayed close to Goron City. Death Mountain had calmed since yesterday, growing still and silent. But I wondered for how long.

I retired to my chambers early, my mind heavy. Daruk could sense something was wrong, especially since he could see me actively avoiding Link. I knew he wanted to ask, but I was grateful that he didn't. I wasn't sure what to say to Link... or rather I did know what to say, but I didn't have the courage to do so.

Funny how I had been praying at the Spring of Courage for years, yet I hadn't an ounce of it in me. Perhaps all my prayers just fell on deaf ears.

Once in my room, I laid down, staring up at the ceiling, aglow with the soft blue light of luminous stones. Although I could feel all the worrying thoughts on the outskirts of my brain, my mind was numb. I just focused on the ceiling, trying to drown everything out.

A knock sounded at my door, ripping me from my concentration. I sat up and stared at the door, knowing it was either Daruk or Link. I frowned, not feeling up to talking to either of them. Instead I rolled over in bed and wrapped the pillow around my ears.


The next day Link and I left. I bid Daruk and Donos goodbye, hugging both of them. They once more assured me that they would be ready when I sent word to them. Daruk smiled at me, although it faded as his eyes scrutinized me. Bending down, he whispered, "Zelda, what's wrong."

I just shook my head, "It's really not that relevant." I replied in a monotone. "Link and I had a fight. That's all. I'm sure we'll resolve it." But would we? I didn't even want to be near him, let alone talk to him. Perhaps we would be back to our earlier dynamic where we traveled in an awkward silence.

Daruk's eyes glanced over at my knight, who was waiting patiently for me. "I see." Daruk scratched his forehead, "I suppose it's partially my fault."

"No." I said. "Link and I need to work some things out. The events leading up to what happened on Death Mountain just revealed that."

Daruk sighed, "Well try to talk to him Zelda. You and him both have been out of sorts." I glanced at Daruk, curious. "Yes, I know he's stoic and doesn't show much emotion, but I can tell he's... different. Got the gloomy shadow following him."

I closed my eyes and brought my hand to the bridge of my nose. Guilt stabbed me. "I will talk to him when we reach the stables." Giving myself a deadline was the only way I'd actually do it in a timely manner instead of repeatedly putting it off.

"Good." Daruk gently patted my back. "When I see you next, you can tell me all about it."

I nodded, "I will. Thank you Sensei for everything."

"Of course." I turned to leave, but stopped as Daruk called, "And one more thing Zelda." Our eyes met, "Please take care of yourself."

I swallowed, my throat aching suddenly. "I will."

Returning it Link's side, I gave him a brief nod to inform him we were ready to go. Waving one last time to the Gorons, Link and I departed Goron City. Once out of range of the Gorons, who had cheered and hollered as we walked way, Link and I fell into tense silence. We passed through the Southern Mill quickly, which gave us a reprieve from the quiet, however it didn't last long and once more we were swallowed by it.

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