9 | Matteo

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Matteo ❤️: Are you asleep?

Evelynn tersenyum. Dia melihat jam di dinding. Jam menunjukkan pukul 2 pagi.

Evelynn ❤️: No. I was waiting for this.

Matteo menarik nafas panjang. Aduh! Hatinya melayang entah ke mana. Terlalu bahagia. Dia tersenyum.

Matteo ❤️: Can I see you?
Evelynn ❤️: When? Tomorrow?
Matteo ❤️: Now. Come out. I want to tell you and give you something.
Evelynn ❤️: You mean now!? Seriously!? Ibu dan ayah saya dah tidur. Kalau diorang tahu saya keluar, I'm dead.
Matteo ❤️: Just come out. I'll talk to them. I'll tell them that I called you out. I promise.

Evelynn berjalan laju ke arah pintu lalu keluar. Dia tidak mahu ayah dan ibunya melihat ia. Ia memandang Matteo lalu terus tersenyum.

Terus hilang segala kegelisahan apabila melihat lelaki pujaan hatinya.

"Dah pukul 2, Matteo. Bahaya tahu tak? Kenapa tak tidur? Esok awak ada meeting kan?" "Wait I didn't tell you about the meeting." "Saya.. ambil tahu jadual awak sebab saya tak nak ganggu. I'll always do that with you because I don't want to disturb your working hour."

"But why? You never disturbed me before." "Im sure I.. disturbed you so many times."

Matteo memandang Evelynn.

"Evelynn.. I love you."

Evelynn terkelu. Selama ini, lelaki itu hanya kata 'I like you' bukan 'I love you'. Perbezaannya amat besar apabila seseorang menyukai kita dan orang yang mencintai kita.

"I love you more than I loved anything else. Saya tak pernah cintakan sesiapa atau apa apa. You're the first one to make me feel all this."

Matteo menarik nafas panjang.

"Let me have you.. in a halal way. Be my wife, my partner, my laughing pill, the biggest part of life."

"I want to share everything with you, Evelynn. Ill do anything.. to make you mine. I promise."

Evelynn terkelu. Dia memandang Matteo lalu dia mengalirkan air matanya perlahan.

"I told you.. you're perfect, Matteo. Saya tak tahu apa yang patut saya jawab bila awak terlalu jujur, sempurna, ikhlas, dan.. you're something special. I love you too."

Matteo terkelu. Dia tersenyum lalu terus sahaja menundukkan wajahnya kerana dia sebak.

"Matteo.. I'll love you for everyone who left you. I'll love you more than I could love anyone else. I'll love you each and every single day."

"Be my husband, my better half, my partner, my superhero, my knight in shining armour. Accept my flaws and I'll accept yours. We'll live happily like all the fairy tales."

Matteo benar benar terasa sebak.

"Sebelum ibu meninggal.. inilah yang ibu kata pada saya. You'll live the most beautiful life in world and you'll find your own princess. Trust me, saya tak percaya kata kata ibu waktu tu."

"But now, when I met you, I know that she didn't lie. She meant it."

Evelynn terkelu apabila Matteo bercerita tentang ibunya. Matteo tidak pernah membuka kisah apa apa tentang keluarganya. Buat pertama kali.. dia melihat air mata Matteo.

Air mata Evelynn mengalir perlahan apabila dia melihat Matteo menangis.

"Thank you for loving me this much. I'm lucky. I did something good in life to get you as a gift. Ill continue doing good things so that.. kita berdua akan dapat kebaikan je dalam dunia ni."

Matteo tersenyum sebelum mengesat air mata ia.

"I've never cried in front of someone since mama meninggal. You're the first one."

Evelynn tersenyum dalam tangisannya.

"I'm happy to be the special one for you, Matteo. Saya sayang awak. Just don't stop loving me for long time." "I'll never be able to stop because Ill fall for you every second. Accept this from me. I promise, I'll marry you."

Matteo mengeluarkan gelang tangan untuk sang pengarang jantung hatinya.

"Wear this." "Apa ni?" "Tarikh pertama saya dan awak berjumpa." "Depan lift?" "Nope.." "Then? I don't think we met before.. wait.. coffeehouse!? I spilled a cup of coffee on you!? That's you!"

Matteo tergelak lalu mengangguk.

"I was angry but when I saw your nervous face, I was like.. she's perfect."

Wajah Evelynn membahang. Wajahnya merona merah.

"You're blushing. Wah.."

Matteo | Continues

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