31 | Matteo

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Matteo berjalan laju ke arah Evelynn sambil dia memegang kepalanya yang berdarah.

"Baby.. look at me." "I'm okay. I'm okay, love. Ill be okay. Our baby is strong. Okay? Just think of the way to.. bring that man out."

Matteo menggenggam kerusi untuk berdiri tegak semula kerana kepalanya terasa sangat sakit. Dia sedang menahan segala kesakitan demi isterinya.

"Baby.. remember that I love you. I love you a lot. Get out of here." "I'm not going anywhere." "You should leave if you love me. Baby kita tu penting. Pleaseee get out of here."

"I need you, love. I need you.. pleasee." "I am not going to let him hurt us anymore. He's murdered her. Mama.. he killed her! Bastard! He killed her! He deserves to rot in hell forever."


Matteo menarik Evelynn lalu keluar dari rumah itu.

"Go away! Save.. our baby. Go!"

Evelynn memegang perutnya yang terasa sakit. Ia terpaksa berjalan pergi meninggalkan suami tercinta kerana anak yang harus diselamatkan.

Belum sempat dia pergi dari rumah itu, pihak polis telahpun tiba di sana. Mereka menyerbu masuk ke dalam rumah Matteo.

"Encik Matteo.. lepaskan dia. Kami akan bawa dia bersama kami ke balai polis." "He does not deserve to live, sir. Dia layak mati je. He killed my mother. I'll kill him." "Encik Matteo, you'll get arrested if you do that. Your wife is still out there, waiting for you. Dia sedang tahan sakit."

Matteo terkelu. Dia terus melepaskan lelaki tak guna yang telah membunuh ibunya.

"Thank you, encik. Jangan risau, kami takkan lepaskan dia begitu sahaja."

Matteo berlari keluar. Dia melihat Evelynn yang sedang memejamkan matanya rapat, kerana dia sedang menahan sakit.


Matteo berlari ke arah Evelynn.

"Is it painful? Let me bring you to the hospital. I promise you'll be okay." "Saya okay. It's just I'm scared about our baby. The baby is not moving."

Jantung Matteo berdegup kencang. Terus sahaja dia mengendong Evelynn. Dia berlari ke kereta.

"Love, your ear is bleeding. Ada darah keluar dari telinga awak." "I don't care. You.. and our baby is the most important part of my life. I need both of you." "Love.. you're important for us."

Evelynn melihat telinga Matteo. Dia tahu bahawa ini ialah perkara yang serius.

"I'm scared, love. Saya tahu.. ni perkara serius. I want you to be alright. Okay? Pleasee. For me.. I need you to remember me, remember our baby."

Air mata Evelynn mengalir laju kerana perutnya semakin sakit.

"Baby.. you're bleeding too. I'm scared." "I'll be okay. Our baby will be okay. I know."

Matteo menemani Evelynn hingga bilik rawatan sebelum dia terduduk. Kepalanya terasa sakit.

Matteo menggeleng laju.

"I can't fall sick now. I have to.. stay alive. I need to see her. I want to see her again. Pleasee. Allah pleasee let me live. I need her and she needs me. Please."

Matteo berkata sebelum dia bersandar.

"Encik.. darah tu. Let me bring you to the ward."

Matteo dibawa bersama seorang doktor untuk ia diperiksa.

Evelynn memejamkan matanya rapat sebelum ia mula berbual dengan bayi dalam perutnya.

"Please stay strong for umi. Umi love you, baby. And you know that I need you. Please. For me. I need you badly. Umi.. and baba need you."

Dia tahu sesuatu sedang berlaku kepada Matteo namun dia juga tahu bahawa lelaki itu akan ada untuknya dan bayi mereka nanti.

"Puan, you can get rest now. Your baby is fine. I will come again to check but for now, you're ok. And.." "How's my husband? Where is he?"

"I can't tell you anything yet because he seems to be in a critical condition for now."

Jantung Matteo berdegup kencang. Air matanya terus mengalir sebelum dia memejamkan mata.

"You can't leave me now. After all your promises are sealed with our kisses, hugs, smiles and your laughters. You can't leave me."

Entah bagaimana dia boleh tidak sedarkan diri. Mungkin kerana ubat, yang telah masuk dalam badannya.

Matteo | Continues

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