17 | Matteo

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Matteo memandang wajah Evelynn. Air mata dia dikesat perlahan.

"Why are you crying, baby? I'm sorry." "Because I remembered you. You were my Haq. The boy that I made him smile everyday because he cried. And he's the first friend of mine. And it's you. My Haq yang paling cute."

Matteo tersenyum dalam tangisnya sebelum dia menarik nafas panjang.

"Am I not that cute now?" "No. My Haq was the cutest when he smile. He'll always clap his hand when I make him smile. I get appreciation when I.. made you smile."

Matteo mencium dahi Evelynn.

"Hanya kerana awak, saya mampu move on. Im here because of you, baby. If you're not there Ill be drowning in darkness."

Evelynn mencium pipi Matteo.

"No. Kalau awak tak ada dengan saya waktu tu, saya takkan ingat zaman sekolah saya. You are the only reason I was sooo excited to go there."

Evelynn melihat buku yang Matteo serahkan. Ia memandang Matteo.

"What is this?" "My diary. I wrote it for you. I wrote it because I knew that one day, you will read it. Beside me."

Evelynn melihat muka depan buku tersebut. Ia menahan air matanya, apabila melihat gambar dia dan Matteo ketika di sekolah rendah.

"It's us. You're my Haq. You were always mine."

Matteo memegang tangan Evelynn erat. Entah kenapa dia terasa tenang apabila Evelyn cintai dia seperti dia mencintai wanita itu. Dia terasa bagai segala beban dalam hatinya telah pergi.

"Baby.." "Hmm?" "Read it."

Evelynn membelek buku tersebut. Muka surat pertama lagi sudah membuatkan air matanya mengalir laju.

To the most beautiful girl I've seen today, you made my day. You.. you made me stop crying when I miss mama. You're an angel. Can i see you everyday? Can I be your friend? Can I be with you always? Only you can stop my tears.
Evelynn Sierra. You're truly an angel.
-Your Haq.

Evelynn menundukkan wajahnya. Air matanya mengalir laju. Matteo memeluk Evelynn.

"Don't cry, baby. Keep this book, tight to your heart. Even when I'm not with you.. this book will.. be with you. Thats why I wrote all this. I wanted you to keep it with you, always."

"I love you. I love you so much Matteo Haq. Im going to love you till the end of my life. My Haq, I'll make you smile every day. You'll never cry. I promise." "My angel.. I love you more than you think I do. I was.. madly in love with you. But I want to be calmly, deeply in love with you now."

Evelynn menangguk laju. Dia tidak mahu hilang lelaki yang sangat mencintai dia. Lebih dari apa yang dia bayangkan dalam hidupnya. Dia hanya mahu lelaki itu ada di sisinya setiap saat.

"How can I love you as much as you love me?"

Matteo tersenyum apabila mendengar soalan itu. Dia tahu bahawa Evelynn akan terasa begitu. Dia menggeleng.

"Cintakan saya dengan sepenuh hati awak. I just need you.. to love me back."

Evelynn tersenyum dalam tangisnya.

"Okay. Mulai harini we'll love, love and love. Just love and nothing else. But jangan salah faham, Ill still get angry when there's no tomatoes, chilli in the fridge. I'll argue when I want to watch a show and.. I'll snatch your snacks. And.. we'll grow old together while loving each other so much."

Matteo tersenyum. Itu yang dia mahukan dalam hidupnya. Hidup yang tidak sunyi. Hidup penuh dengan senyuman, suara wanita itu dan bahagia yang sebenar.

"Actually.." "Yes baby?" "I'm hungry. Can we get some food? Or.. you'll do something for me?"

Matteo tergelak kecil. Baru habis beremosi, terus lapar pula.


Matteo mengendong Evelynn menuruni tangga.

"Love.. what are you going to make for me?" "Ill make omelette for you." "Yeay! Thank you, love. I.. love you."

Matteo tersenyum sebelum menunjukkan pipi ia kepada Evelynn. Evelynn tersenyum sebelum dia mencium pipi suaminya.

"That's the pay for this."

Matteo | Continues

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