32 | Matteo

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Evelynn berjalan perlahan ke dalam bilik Matteo lalu mendekati suaminya.

"You're the love of my life. I don't need anything else but you. You're precious, love. Youre all the special thing I wanted in life."

"Ibu dan ayah dah balik tadi. Diorang datang sini nak jumpa awak. It's okay. They're living here. Ill be okay. You can rest as long as you want. But do not dare to leave me for so long, okay? I will miss you so much, love."

"Cinta.. awak tahu tak apa yang jadi harini? I'm soo happy for you. Your company is growing."

Inilah perbualan Evelynn dengan Matteo walau suaminya tidak membalas walau satu perkataan yang disebutnya. Hampir sebulan suaminya tak sedarkan diri. Hanya dia tahu betapa sunyi jiwa dan perasaannya tanpa lelaki itu.

"Love.. I miss your voice, calling me baby. And I miss your jokes, your kisses, your hugs. I cannot take it anymore. Pleasee bangun. I need you. Im scared, I'm stressed, I'm in pain."

"Waktu saya bersalin, saya nak awak ada di sisi saya seperti yang awak janjikan. Pleasee. Be by my side when I need you the most. I beg you.. I know how strong you are. I saw you driving me here when your ears are bleeding."

Evelynn mencium Matteo yang tidak sedarkan diri kemudian dia berundur. Hanya Allah tahu betapa hancurnya hati dia apabila Matteo tidak sedarkan diri.

"Love.. I'll come back. I'll make sure you will be there with me when I'm giving birth. Saya janji, saya akan pastikan awak bangun."

Apabila Evelynn ingin berlalu pergi, Matteo terus menarik tangannya. Evelynn terkelu. Jantungnya berdegup kencang.

"Love.. hey.."

Matteo mencelikkan matanya lalu tersenyum. Ia menarik Evelynn mendekatinya.

"You.. awak dah terjaga? You're okay? You want me to call the doctor?" "I heard it. I am granting your wish for you."

Evelynn terkelu.

"My wish?" "Hmm.. hugs, kisses, jokes, smiles, laughters, my voice. I'm granting all of it for an angel. You're my angel."

Matteo memeluk Evelynn erat. Air mata Evelynn mengalir laju.

"Dah lama ke awak sedar?" "Hmm. Waktu awak masuk tadi. Actually.. I talked to ibu dan ayah. I told them to keep this as a secret." "What? Why love? Is it fun to see me crying, begging?"

Matteo menggeleng sebelum mengusap wajah Evelynn.

"I want to give you something for our anniversary and.."

Matteo mengeluarkan sesuatu dari belakangnya. Evelynn mengerutkan keningnya. Air mata tidak berhenti mengalir sejak tadi.

"Apa ni?" "We'll live beside ibu and ayah always now." "What?" "We'll have another company in KL now. Dekat dengan rumah ibu dan ayah. Im sorry that I kept you waiting for me for a month but trust me.. I love you so much."

Matteo memeluk Evelynn erat. Evelynn terkelu.

"We're having another company?" "Hmm and I bought a house for us." "What!? Why? Where?" "Kita.. jiran ibu lepasni." "Seriously!? Love!" "I wanted to see you happy always. I don't want to see your tears whenever ibu calls you."

"And now, are you happy, baby?"

Evelynn menundukkan wajahnya.

"I missed that word from you. I missed it so soo much. Call me again." "Baby.." "Again." "Baby. I am hungry. Can we eat?" "Hmm eat me." "I will do it if we're not in the hospital." "Shush.. I was joking." "Is it?" "Hmm. I'll go buy food for us. I am hungry too." "Nope. Hafreez akan datang. I asked him to buy us food."

"Seriously!? When did you call him?" "Sebelum baby datang tadi." "Semua orang dah tahu? I'm the last one?" "No baby. You're the second last." "Who's the last one?" "Papa baru tahu." "Hmm patutlah papa tak bagitahu apa apa."

Matteo mengusap perut Evelynn.

"Banyak yang kita lalui bersama hingga ke tahap ni, baby. And our little baby. You're so strong. Ill forever be grateful that you're strong in there. Ill forever love you, junior."

Evelynn tersenyum. Dia mencium dahi Matteo.

"Ehem.. sorry ganggu. Nak bagi dinner ni." "Sampai hati awak kan, Hafreez? You didnt tell me that he's awake?" "Because he wanted to surprise you on your first anniversary. And now, happy anniversary love birds. Semoga cinta ni berkekalan hingga ke jannah." "Amiin. Thanks bro. Kau banyak membantu aku." "Anything for you, bro." "That's sweet. I'm jealous now."

Hafreez tergelak sebelum menepuk bahu Matteo. Dia menggeleng.

"Dahlah, aku pergi dulu. She's going to kill me if I stay for another minute."

Evelynn mengangguk.

"I'll surely do it."

Hafreez berlalu pergi. Evelynn melihat Matteo. Matteo tersengih.

"Sorry, baby." "Maaf tak diterima." "Baby.."

Evelynn menggeleng.

"Sampai hati awak kan? Awak nak saya merana lama lagi?" "No, baby. Saya baru je sedar. Not a month ago. Just two days ago. I saw how much you love me, baby. And I'll never stop loving an angel like you. You're pure, precious, beautiful, lovely, a great mother already."

Matteo | Continues

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