20 | Matteo

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"Love.. can I ask you something?" "Hmm. Tanya je, baby. You don't need permission for that. I'm listening."

Matteo berkata sambil memegang tangan isteri tercinta.

"What was your dream when you're growing up? Your ambition?"

Matteo berfikir sebentar sebelum melihat wajah Evelynn. Dia tersenyum.

"Marrying you, loving you, be with you, live with you, have kids with you, protect you."

Evelynn terkelu. Dia sedar bahawa itulah impian Matteo sejak kecil tetapi Matteo pasti ada mimpi untuk menjadi seseorang yang berjaya juga.

"Love..janganlah macam ni. Takkan tu je impian awak?" "Itu je? Banyak tu. Baby tak dengar ke? I said marrying, loving, be with you, live with you, have kids with you, protect you. Banyak tahu tak semua tu?"

Evelynn mengusap wajah Matteo perlahan. Dia menarik nafas panjang.

"You can't do that to yourself."

Matteo terkelu.

"Why not? Why can't I prioritise you? Why can't I..put you first? You're my future, baby. But now I have everything, I always wanted in life. I have you. That's all matters."

Evelynn melihat ke dalam anak mata Matteo. Ia menggeleng.

"I want to you to love me, prioritise me, protect me, put me first, love me madly, deeply and Im ready to do anything for you but.. your dream?"

Matteo kelihatan keliru.

"What dream? Saya tak ada apa apa impian lain selain menikahi awak. Evelynn Sierra, you're an important part of me. Dah tak ada yang lain. Im not going to dream anything else."

Evelynn memandang Matteo.


Matteo terkelu. Entah kenapa segala yang telah berlaku dari 6 tahun lalu berlalu di depan mata dia.

"Bila dia datang?"

Evelynn memegang tangan Matteo erat kerana dia takut lelaki itu akan memarahinya. Dia nak Matteo hidup seperti dulu semula.

"Semalam. Dia datang.. cakap dengan saya. He wants you back. Do you miss him?"

Matteo memegang kepalanya sebelum melihat arah lain.

"What did he tell you?" "Cinta, pandang saya. I will tell you if you look at me."

Matteo menarik nafas panjang sebelum melihat wajah Evelynn. Mata Evelynn berair. Entah apa yang mengganggu fikiran wanita itu.

"You lost your life.. because of me? Why did you took the decision to leave everything?"

Air mata Evelynn mengalir. Matteo terkelu. Dia menggeleng.

"You returned the life I lost, baby. Hey.. look at me. Awak kembalikan senyuman saya. I didn't lose anything because of you. You're the angel."

"The angel who gave me everything I dream of having. You gave me the smile I'm wearing. Ill never forget your smiling face when I'm crying baby. Please jangan nangis. You're hurting me. Please."

Matteo mengesat air mata Evelynn lalu melihat wajah isterinya.

"What do you want to know about me?" "Why? Why did you leave everything? Because I left??"

Matteo menundukkan wajahnya.

"I was always depressed lepas mama meninggal. Mama satu satunya tempat saya mengadu. Tapi lepas mama meninggal, awak ada dengan saya."

"Lepas kita berpisah di sekolah rendah, I tried hard to study in the same school as yours but I failed when you went to girls school. Tapi saya tak gagal sebab depan sekolah awak dulu, ada sekoleh untuk pelajar lelaki."

"That's where I met some of my friends. Yang awak jumpa di majlis kahwin haritu."

Evelynn kelihatan terkejut. Banyaknya perkara yang dia tidak sedar! Bagaimana dia tidak tahu semua ini!?

"Setiap hari saya berlalu dengan melihat awak. Walau dari jauh, I was so happy back then. Im still loving you the way I loved you back then. I was completely crazy over you."

"Tak ada satu hari pun saya sendirian. Until the day you left me."

"I asked everyone about you. Semua orang tahu nama awak tapi mereka tak tahu ke mana awak pergi. It drove me completely crazy."

Matteo | Continues

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