30 | Matteo

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Matteo melihat Evelynn dari jauh. Evelynn sibuk menyiapkan segala persiapan majlis malam ini.

"Baby.." "I told you, don't call me like that here. I am one of your staff." "Staff yang masih nak kerja walaupun dah sarat mengandung. Degil sangat. I want you to rest. With me." "Tuan Haq, saya nak bekerja hingga saya bersalin."

"Kenapa?" "Sebab.. saya nak ada di sisi Tuan. Im in love with you, Tuan Haq."

Matteo tersenyum. Dia mengangguk sebelum ia mencium pipi Evelynn. Evelynn terkelu.

"What are you doing? We're in office." "So what? Ini office saya, awak isteri saya. You're mine. Im going to tell to the world that you're mine. Okay. Hm?" "Awak tak perlu bagitahu pun, orang dah tahu sebab.."

Evelynn menunjukkan ke arah perutnya. Matteo tersenyum sebelum mengusap perut isterinya. Ia mengangguk.

"I love you, baby." "I love you, cinta. Can I work? Hm?" "Yes, baby. Keep working. You look soooo hot when you're working. I'll look at you."

Matteo memandang Evelynn sepanjang Evelynn menyediakan majlis itu.

"Let's go home. Let's get you changed and then I want to rest." "But you promised me that you're going to be here with me tonight." "Love, Im not used to eating dinner dengan orang have have. I can't. Plus I nampak macam belanga dah ni."

Matteo menggeleng.

"You're looking like a gorgeous angel right now." "Hmm? Tipu." "Why should I lie? I'm not going to get any money from lying to you." "You want me to go with you?" "Hmm. Pleaseeeee." "Okay. I'll go with you." "Yeay! I love you, baby. Jom. I will drive you home and then we'll get ready."

Mereka pulang bersama. Apabila tiba di rumah, Matteo menghalang Evelynn dari masuk kerana pintu rumah sudah terbuka luas ketika mereka tiba di rumah.

"Baby.. stay in the car. Jangan keluar. Don't ever come out. Even when you hear sounds. Faham? I want you to stay in." "Faham. I'll stay in. But you need to promise me that you'll stay safe."

Evelynn sedar keadaan rumah itu. Dia tahu apa yang sedang berlaku. Trauma dia masih belum hilang.

Evelynn memejamkan matanya. Dia tidak ingin mengingati malam itu.

"Papa.. papa are you there?"

Belum sempat Matteo bertanya lagi, kepalanya dipukul dari belakang.


Dia memegang kepalanya sebelum menoleh. Dia terkelu apabila melihat insan tersebut.

"Hafiz? Ha.. Hafiz?"

"Hmm... Hafiz. Kau kenal aku? Wah. Aku harap kau tak pernah kenal aku. Why do you know me bro? Why?"

Matteo menarik nafas panjang.

"Aku menyesal kenal kau sekarang. Kenapa kau? Why must you be behind all this?" "Because you have everything I don't. Because you snatched a beautiful life from me. Kalau kau tak wujud, aku yang akan dapat hidup ni."

"Your papa was ready to take me as his son and I was ready to take over his empire. But you came back. Kau tahu kenapa papa kau koma dulu? He doesn't even know this until now."

"I hit him. I wanted him to stop you from coming here. But that idiot Hafreez, dia bawa kau datang sini semula. He's such an idiot."

"I always knew you were behind this, Hafiz. Kau sentiasa cemburu dengan aku. Kau buang segala perkara yang membahagiakan aku."

"You know what?"

Hafiz tersenyum seperti lelaki yang telah berjaya mendapatkan sesuatu dalam hidupnya.

"I even killed your mom. Tanpa bukti.. Tanpa apa apa tanda. It was a natural death for all of you. Ill always remember how she held my hand tight. Ill remember how she screamed, and said.. I am her son too."

"You were.. 10 when she died. You.."

Matteo memegang dadanya. Jantungnya sangat laju pada ketika ini. Dia geram. Dia marah.. Dia sangat kecewa.

"You even killed her. Semata mata sebab kau nak harta aku? That's all? Why didn't you tell me?" "I told you, Matteo. Aku bagitahu kau. I want to be you!"

"And now, you're living a happy life. A beautiful wife, and she's pregnant too. Aku ingat dia mati dah lepas aku attack dia. But.. she's alive dude."

"She even know who I am. So.. after killing you, I need to head out and kill her."


Evelynn terkelu apabila melihat Matteo di lantai sambil berlumuran darah manakala Hafiz bakal membunuhnya.

"I'll never let you harm my husband, my family! I'll kill you before you kill him."

Hafiz tersenyum.

"Hmm.. maybe I shouldn't kill you. I should just keep you. Before that, I'll kill that baby."

Hafiz menampar Evelynn hingga di terdorong ke lantai.


Evelynn memegang perutnya untuk selamatkan anak dalam kandungannya.

Matteo terasa sangat marah. Dia terus memukul lelaki itu dengan segala kudratnya.

Evelynn terus bersandar pada dinding. Dia tidak mahu menyakitkan anaknya. Dan dia sudahpun melakukan sesuatu demi keluarganya.

Matteo | Continues

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