19 | Matteo

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"I'll go buy some food for us, okay? Get some rest and.. we'll eat together." "Okay love. Hati hati. Ill wait for you." "Okay, baby. Bye."

Matteo berjalan keluar. Dia memandu keretanya ke restoran terdekat untuk membeli makanan.


Evelynn mengangkat wajahnya lalu memandang lelaki di hadapannya.

"Ya saya. Encik siapa?" "I'm one of Mat's friend. I was his.. best friend and his.. secretary."

Evelynn terkelu. Secretary?

"Secretary?" "Dia belum bagitahu cik tentang dia sepenuhnya but I have to tell you because I am in a situation where I'm trapped between my friend or the company."

Evelynn memandang lelaki itu sebelum menarik nafas panjang.

"What's your name?" "I'm Hafreez. I'm from MH holdings." "MH stands for.. Matteo Haq?" "Yes. I am his PA there six years ago."

"Wait.. dia mula bekerja sejak 6 tahun lalu? You mean when he was still in University?" "Hm. He is the one and only son for his dad. And he start working really early which made him depressed and.."

Hafreez memandang Evelynn.

"That's when you move away, and he got crazy. I still remember how he shouted at every staff. He was like a beast. Semua pekerja bencikan dia. He didn't intend to hurt them but he was depressed."

Evelynn terkelu. Semuanya kerana dia pergi dari tempat lelaki itu berada? Bila? Bagaimana? Why didn't she know anything about this!?

"When did this happen exactly?" "Six years ago. 25th July 2016. The day he left everything. He's living a life which is not his, Evelynn. He left it."

"Why?" "For you. He wanted to be where you are and he found you. You're his life but we need the CEO too, Evelynn. Pleaseee bring him back. You have the power."

"Evelynn.. dia tinggalkan semuanya kerana awak and he will come back because of you."

Evelynn terkelu. Entah kenapa air matanya terus mengalir laju. Kenapa lelaki itu terlalu cinta dia!? Mampukah dia cintakan lelaki itu begitu?

"I'll try my best. Thank you, encik Hafreez." "You can call me Hafreez. Saya pergi dulu. If he comes back, try talking to him." "Inshaallah."

Hafreez berlalu pergi.

"He left everything for me. Just because I left the town. He was depressed because of me. But why didn't he tell me all this? He's not only mine. He is the CEO of that company. They need him. I'm going to make sure that.. he goes back to his life. Which he lost because of me."

Evelynn mengesat air matanya. Matteo berjalan masuk lalu terkelu.

"Baby? You're crying? Sakit perut ke? Nak saya panggil doktor? I'll call her." "Love.. come here. Please."

Matteo mendekati Evelynn. Dia mengerutkan keningnya. Kenapa dengan Evelynn.

Evelynn memeluknya erat.

"I love you so much, cinta. I swear I love you the most. I'll do anything for you. I'll take a bullet if you're in danger. I promise."

Matteo terkelu. Dia meleraikan pelukan lalu dia mengusap wajah Evelynn.

"What happened, baby? Ada sesuatu terjadi ke? Did someone enter the room when I was not in here? Tell me."

Evelynn menggeleng laju.

"Did you have a nightmare? Baby.."

Evelynn mengangguk. Dia terpaksa menipu. Dia hanya mahukan yang terbaik untuk suaminya.

"Kesiannya baby saya. Come here."

Matteo memeluk Evelynn erat sebelum perlahan tangannya mengusap kepala isterinya.

"Nothing bad will happen to us. I'll do anything to make sure you're with me, safely. I'll protect you and I'll make sure.. you'll never leave me. I love you, baby. Don't worry about us."

Air mata Evelynn mengalir laju apabila Matteo berkata begitu kerana dia tahu betapa lelaki ini telah mengorbankan segalanya demi cinta.

"I love you more than life. So please let me be your wife until the end of my breath. I will be the.. best wife." "Okay baby. Jom makan? I'm hungry." "Feed me."

Matteo tersenyum. Hanya dia tahu betapa dia cintakan wanita ini. Betapa dia tidak mahukan apa apa selain Evelynn dalam hidupnya.

Matteo mengeluarkan sesuatu dari belakang ia.

"Flowers!? Loveee."

Matteo tersenyum sebelum menyerahkan bunga cantik itu kepada isterinya.

"Thank you, love. Come here."

Matteo mendekatkan wajahnya kepada Evelynn lalu Evelynn menciumnya.

"Itu hadiah untuk awak sebab hadiahkan bunga cantik ni." "Kalau macam ni, setiap hari I'll buy you a big flower." "A big one?" "Hmm. So that I can get more than this." "Eee mengada."

Matteo | Continues

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