Chapter 01

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Warning - Too much of sweetness which can give you diabetes. Fluff and cuteness of two sweet boyfriends and will make you feel single in the process too 💃❤


Bright's POV

Two weeks of peacefulness. That essence is what hits me as soon as I opened my eyes in the morning.

Our home which is the most relaxing place for me and my Win, rarely has has us accompanying it due to the fact that both of us are super hectic with our work.

Both of us are rich kids from wealthiest families in Thailand but at the same time both of us chose to detach ourselves from that.

When I first met Win in College, I never thought that he will be the person I will be spending my whole life with. We were so different, still different and always will be but... one thing that is unchangeable and indifferent is the love we have grown for each other.

Win is so bubbly and I am more the reserved type, Win enjoys socializing while I prefer my room at home, Win likes partying out with friends while I... I prefer sleeping at home.

I can't help but chuckle at the thought. It is so amazing how both of us somehow managed to overcome the differences and learnt to bear and embrace each other in the way we are. Never in our relationship, we have requested one to change in the sake of the other. Sure, we have made amendments with our personalities and has talked things out but that is for our own improvement not because we want a different version of our partner.

We accepted each other for who we are and though we are not the most perfect couple, we are definitely one of the happiest in the world.

These thoughts are what came to my mind as soon as I got up and while sitting on the bed like this, I can only think of how lucky I am to have him.

I hear utensils in the kitchen and by that I know Win is already there and then my eyes fall on the small table besides our bed.

I smile instinctively looking at my morning tea placed on it with a sticky note pasted with hearts drawn on it.

Sweet as ever...

I take the cup from both of my hands, because that is how much I value anything he gives to me and I want to make sure I never handle anything carelessly when it comes to him. I know this has more than tea inside it, this is filled with all his love and that is what is precious to me.

Wakie wakie! ☺ Good morning my ray of sunshine! Come down after washing up? ❤❤

The sticky note said and my heart melts along with my sanity. Can he be any more cuter?

I gulp down the tea in two shots and then quickly jump off the bed. I make sure I made the bed before I ran into the bathroom because I did not want to tire Win with even the simplest household chores during these two weeks. We are both tired enough from work and we both deserve this vacation. A servant lady comes everyday to clean our house but Win prefers to keep our bedroom private so he tends to clean it by himself and I swear to myself I am going to do it for him in these two weeks.

It does not take me much time to freshen up myself and jump into new clothes and then soon enough I was climbing down the stairs to have my morning dose of happiness.

The sight that first meet my eyes is his perfectly carved back and broad shoulders handling the pan with four eggs on it. It seems he is almost done with the breakfast but at the same time he seems to be putting more effort into it today so it might as well take some more time.

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