Chapter 06

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Warning - Heavy angst, fluff and some juicy smut! 😉👀


Bright's POV

Hours passed before I could collect myself to get up from the floor and though it has been hours since he left me, every second of it felt like an eternity.

When the feeling of him not being in my life from now, broke down in my mind, a new set of tears always pooled in my eyes. I think I cried for these past few hours more than how I cried my entire life collected.

I don't know how to love without him... every where feels like him, every thing smells like him.

That may be why tears are streaming down my face as I am cleaning the glass shards of the mess I have created and a few of them did cut through my skin but it didn't make me feel any pain like they actually should.

I just looked numbly at my bleeding finger and then continued to clean again like nothing happened, feeling empty. If my Win was here and saw my hands bleeding like this, he would be so worried.

He would make a fuss about it, he will panic and he will insist to take me to the hospital and then nag me all the way there for not being careful.

Gosh I miss him so much...

Another uninvited sob escaped me as I collected another shard to the bin and never in my life ever I have felt this weak.

I just took a deep breath and wiped away the tears off my face as I got up with the bin and I could feel blood on my hand smearing on my face.

I totally forgot about it...

I just placed the bin in the kitchen so that I can dispose the glass shards later and then mindless went to the bathroom to give myself a clean-up.

I don't know for how long I stayed under the shower but I did bawl like baby under it once again all over from the beginning and when I finished washing myself and looked at the mirror, my whole face was red and eyes were bloodshot.

I don't even feel like myself anymore. To me, I am a complete stranger that I cannot recognize.

When I got out of the bathroom was only when I realized it was raining so hard and just great... nice atmosphere for my break up. Guess that is another invitation to cry and the pillow would be ideal to hide the sobs.

I just walked around the whole house mindlessly, without a reason only to remind to myself that Win is not here anymore and then I stood at the place I was lying when he left. I still remember him going away.... it sucks, it hurts but I know I had to let him go.

I almost did beg him... I almost did beg him to stay and I almost told him that it is fine he doesn't love me. But then again... I realized then I would be doing the same thing he did to himself years ago and I didn't want to put myself in that situation.

I am crying again, silently and standing in the dark alone in my living room and I really really miss him.

If this was a normal situation, he would have already tucked himself in the bed and would have whined for me to come and cuddle him and trust me, Win really loves to sleep when it is raining and god knows how he aced the exams after sleeping so much on those days. Well... I have something to do with it but it is better not thought. It is just gonna make me cry more.

I took a deep breath for the millionth time as I walked towards the door and the moment I entered the room, his scent filled my whole system and it made my head throb out of pain and sadness that I immediately stepped away from it and closed the door behind.

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