19 Eternal Distruction

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I try to break the tentacles grasp with my free hand, only to have three more tentacles take its place. I frantically begin to look for something to grab hold of, but find nothing. I pull Grace so I may get a better grasp and then I point my free hand at the beast, palm splayed. I summon some of the little power I have left into a ball of energy and throw it into the krakens mouth. The beast begins to writhe in pain as the ball makes contact with the back of its mouth. It begins to squeeze me tighter, cracking my armour. I summon are sword with the remainder of my power, but to my dismay, the weapons is only half is strong as it would usually. But none the less, I begin to hack at the tentacles surrounding my body, only to have them replaced by more. The sword begins the crack and shatter, leaving me defenseless. I see a few tentacles begin to drive at Grace's limp body like spears, so I quickly turn to protect her. The tentacles feel like that of concrete and they go straight through my body and the tips of the tentacles go into Grace, both our blood turning the water red/pink. I turn and try to cut the tentacles, but my sword shatters on impact. I look to find a something I can use as a weapon and my eyes find the pistol on my hip. I point it at the kraken and begin to rapidly pull the trigger with no result. I throw it away and begin to look for something else. I rapidly grab Grace's sword and unsheathe it. I throw Grace as hard as I can away from the kraken's mouth. As I enter its mouth, I drive the sword into the side of the krakens mouth, the water around me turning red. At this the kraken throws me away and retreats into the darkness, producing a sound like that of a whimper.
I rapidly make my way to Grace. I grab her by the waist and quickly make my way to the portal. As I go through, I begin to feel disoriented.
It is now bright and I am no longer surrounded by water. I look down to I find myself on both knees in shallow water no higher then ten centimetres with Grace beside me, lying unconcious on her back taking large breathes of air. I also see that the water is now turning from crystal clear, to a dark red. I begin to feel dizzy and my vision begins to fade. I fall onto my hands to try and stable myself, but they collapse like jelly and let me fall fully to the ground and darkness takes my vision.

I open my eyes to find myself on top of a hill, surrounded by armoured boys and girls, looking no older than seventeen years of age, all holding weapons.
I look down at myself to find I am wearing armour black as night and I am holding a black short sword.
I figure in white armour walks up beside me.
"You ready for this?" I hear a girls voice say.
"This is my purpose, is it not?" I reply.
"So it is." The girls says before making a bow out of pure light and drawing and arrow.
I look to the base of the hill to see thousands of armoured men walking towards us. As they apprach the hill, the girl lets her arrow fly. At this, dozens of arrows begin to fly at the approaching men. The soldiers begin to fall, but more just take their place.
A sphere of purple energy forms in my free hand and I launch it at the foe. The sphere detonates on impact, killing and confusing the men.
"Charge!" I hear myself shout at the top of my lungs, as I run at the enemy, sword raised.
I am follow by the small army behind me. I begin to stab and hack at the enemy soldiers, most of them going down with a single blow. The world begins to slow down. I look around to see boys and girls dying, their blood beginning to paint the green grass red. I begin to look closer and see others fighting with all their might; tall boy with a long-sword, a girl with a mace, a bulky boy with daggers, a cloaked figure in the distance with a bow, a girl in white armour flying with a bow and a girl in leather armour with a katana.
"These are the true Immortals who will die for freedom." I think to myself with a new determination.
I summon another short sword in my other hand and begin to fight with all my might. This must have gone for hours, not many Immortals still remain. I look around and notice most of us are injured, badly.
I quickly form an energy barrier between us and the enemy soldiers.
I turn to see only about forty Immortals remain.
"Retreat." I simply say. "I will hold them off.
"The girl in the white armour walks up to me.
"This is not your problem to fix."
"But it is." I reply, "I made them fear us."
I turn into my wolf form, my armour shifting to fit. I turn away from them and I hear them begin to leave and wait until they are a fair distance away. I retreat to the top of of the hill and lower the barrier. I summon all the power I have. My armour begins to glow and shadows begin to spread along the ground. The humans surround me, weapons ready. I close my eyes and when I open them, I release all of my wrath upon them.

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