9 Eternal Strength

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Grace puts on her mask and suddenly vanishes into thin air,leaving no trace.
"Teleporting already are we?" I think to myself as I look around for her.
Turn around and immediately get kicked in the face and by the time my vision clears Grace is gone again. I hear a stick crack to my right,alerting me to her location. I rapidly turn,dodging the sword by a fraction. Grace strikes at be again,but this time I grab her wrist,stopping her from teleporting yet again.
Grace raises her hand,something small,round and grey in it. She throws it to the ground,a cloud of smoke forming around. The smoke dissipates after about five seconds and to my absolute astonishment,Grace is standing about ten metres in front of me with her katana in her right hand and my sword in her left. I look to both my hands and my sword is indeed gone.
I close my eyes,focusing on trying to make a new weapon from memory,not truly knowing if I can or not. I open my eyes,a devious grin on my face. Shadows come from my right hand,forming a black katana. Grace drops my old sword,allowing her to hold her katana with both hands.
Our swords clash,sparks flying as they grate against each other. I notice her sword is not made of normal steel,it is far stronger,but appears to not weigh that much at all. Grace jumps back,landing on a tree branch probably fifty metres high. Grace pulls her mask down,a mocking smile formed on her lips. I turn my sword into a bow and begin to fire at her,but she jumps and flips from trees to dodge.
Grace jumps to the ground,the same smile on her face. I fire another arrow straight at her,but she leans back to the point of looking almost inhuman,dodging the arrow. I turn the bow back into a katana and the sparks begin to fly once more,but this time hotter and faster. Graces attacks begin to come at a immense speed. I eventually manage to parry her sword and then hold the blade still within my armoured hand. Grace does a back-flip to retreat,kicking me in the face as she does. My vision blurry,I do not see what Grace does next,but I feel it. Her splayed palm makes impact with my chest,the force so powerful that my armour dents in and I go flying through the air,eventually smashing into a tree,the powerful trunk splitting and cracking under my weight.
I crash to the ground,my chest quite sore from the blow dealt by Grace.
"I thought she was speed based." I think to myself confused, "How strong does that make me?"
And my question was shortly answered with the sound of cracking wood. I turn to the tree to see it falling towards me,it's shear size daunting me.
"Why does bad stuff always happen to me?" I think,feeling sorry for myself.
With no time to avoid the falling mass of wood,I raise my hands to meet it. As the tree makes contact with my hands it begins to crumple,my hands sinking into the hard wood. Every muscle in my body begins to burn,my teeth gritted in pain,but I manage to hold.
I try to push it off me,but my muscles are far too weak to do so. The weigh begins to lighten a bit and turn to see Grace is behind me,her arms also raised to hold the tree. I nod to her and we both push the large weight to our left,my muscles feeling like they're about to tear apart.
The tree goes airborne,leaving our hands empty in the air. The tree falls to the ground,causing it to shake.
Grace and I collapse to the ground ground,facing the sky. We look at each other and begin to laugh,finding what just happened hilarious! We then both look up and close our eyes as we exit the dream simulation.

I open my eyes and get off the bed,stretching my body,being thankful that the pain is gone. Grace walks up to me and we shake hands.
"Well done,you held up well for not having all your powers back yet. Especially against a ninja!" Grace chuckles a bit as she finishes,her face a big smile.
"Well done to you too. You must be quite strong to have dented my armour." I say back,my face also a large smile. I turn to Harmony,"So what's for dinner?"

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