One last prank

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On October 31, 1981 the Dark Lord Voldemort came to Godric's Hollow and met his downfall at the Potter home after a failed Killing Curse upon little one-year-old Harry Potter.

November 1st saw witches and wizards throughout Britain celebrating as word quickly spread. Albus Dumbledore quickly moved to seal the Potter will, intending to sequester young Harry with his Muggle relations far away from fame and where he was unlikely to grow much arrogance or too much backbone. Alas for Albus and indeed the Wizengamot – the Potters, Charms Mistress Lily Potter and Prank Master and Transfiguration specialist James Potter, hadn't wanted to take any chance with their wishes being disregarded should the worst happen. Lily knew how much her sister hated magic and its users and would have no son of hers raised in a magic hating environment.

After Albus left the sleeping toddler on the doorstep that evening (a cold November night and a toddler who had been walking for nearly three months) the will's precautionary measures activated sensing the heir was in a forbidden location and transported him to a much annoyed Gnarlfang the Goblin in charge of the Potter accounts.

Meanwhile, a press release was automatically sent to the Daily Prophet. The next morning's headlines thusly read: Wizengamot Wankers Seal Will – Potters Protest from Beyond the Pale. The following article took facts from the information sent and indicated that the heroic deceased made it very clear in their will where their child savior should dwell should the worst happen and it was clearly not where he was placed by Albus too many middle names Dumbledore.

Albus wasn't amused to find that all of his robes were flashing with the words "Interfering Chief Wanker of the Wizengamot". Anyone on the Wizengamot that had voted in support of sealing the Potter will found that their clothing flashed the message "I'm a sheep that doesn't care if my Will is followed." While the members that opposed the sealing of the will were let off with a mere "Where there's the Will there's the Way".

Albus was even less amused when his tracking charms indicated that little Harry Potter was NOT at his relatives where he left him but rather at... Gringotts? He immediately dispatched Hagrid to return little Harry to his Aunt. Sadly for Hagrid no matter how much he touted 'The Great Albus Dumbledore sent me ta take 'im tae his Aunt' it would not sway the Goblins who insisted that the young Potter heir must be placed with a guardian listed in the will not one forbidden by it.

By this time both Albus and Hagrid had kidnapper added to their clothing and Albus' hair was beginning to fall out starting with the beard he loved so much.

When Sirius Black was sent immediately to Azkaban without a trial after the incident with Peter Pettigrew the will, watched by a nervous clerk, glowed an ominous red and Barty Crouch Sr., Minister Bagnold, and Albus Dumbledore, all part of the decision, found themselves with "Thwarters of Justice" in bright flashing letters. Needless to say Dumbledore's robes were beginning to be quite the read.

Howlers were bombarding the ministry even before the second article (spurred by a second release after the incarceration of Black) appeared. "No Justice – Sealed Will Details Could Solve Black Case" read the headline. Indeed the details of the article argued that there was far more to the Black case than was being presented by the ministry and the rights of a pureblood scion were being overridden. A lucky novice journalist by the name of Rita Skeeter (fresh out of Hogwarts) even managed to get the scoop that he was jailed without a trial and him an Auror too. Citizens were horrified.

Ministry Cursebreakers were hard at work trying to crack through the spells embedded in the Will only to find that the only way to remove the spells was to unseal and carry out the reading of the Will.

Albus Dumbledore heavily leaned on his supporters when it came to another vote adding another line to his robes and theirs. "There is a Conspiracy to Thwart Our Will. Down with the Conspirators!"

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