Chapter 5- Him and I

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That night we went for tea at the same pizza place as some of the others and arrived too late to talk to Isabelle and her family, but at the exact same time as Grace and Jess so we got a table together and talked to them all evening.

Imogen and I shared a pizza, and the food was amazing. We chatted to Jess the whole hour we were there until we had to go home because it was too late, and we were up early for canyoning the next day.

And I secretly hoped that I could see Ollie. That maybe he would want to talk to me tomorrow.

We walked back to our apartment, and I saw a text on the group chat from India telling everyone to send a message on the group, so we'd all know who everyone was. I couldn't help but smile when Ollie sent a simple "hey".

I added him to my contacts, along with the rest of the group and watched as everyone linked their socials. Ollie didn't send anything, and I tried not to mind, sending my own and adding everyone else's.

I put my phone on charge and set an alarm for the next morning at 6:45 because breakfast was stupidly early the next morning. Then I got changed into my pyjamas and brushed my teeth, getting into my bed.

I ignored the light still coming from Imogen's phone, she was probably messaging her boyfriend again, and tried to sleep. This time sleep came quickly, and I fell into a deep sleep, waiting for the familiar nightmare that never came.


I woke up with an odd sense of achievement, remembering that I didn't have a nightmare that night. I got dressed with my bikini underneath my clothes and a change of clothing in my bag, along with my towel.

My river shoes were useless for this activity, so I just wore my flip-flops, knowing canyoning shoes were included in the price of the activity anyway so it was okay. Imogen, my mum and I went down to breakfast together, bumping into the Rhodes family on the way out of the apartment and walking with them.

When we saw any of the other families at breakfast we'd wave at them, but still sat on a table just us. I saw Ollie smiling and waving as he sat down. I smiled back and my heart melted.

I swallowed down my feelings and went to get some food. I got some chocolate cake thing and an orange juice and sat back down. I was super excited for canyoning today and I was ready. It was far too hot here and I was looking forwards to just jumping into the river later.

Breakfast was rushed but good nonetheless and everyone walked to the holidays office together. We arrived on time and checked in, then waited outside for the vans to come pick us up.

When the vans finally arrived, one grey one white, I crossed my fingers and silently prayed that I'd be in the same one as Ollie. But unfortunately, my wish wasn't granted, and he went off to the grey van along with Jess and Grace.

I sighed and waited to be put into the other van, but it turned out Ollie and his family couldn't go in the other van because Ollie's mum, Charlotte, had hurt her arm while rafting. Which meant Ollie was in the same van as me and a different family of four, the family with the two really quiet older boys, would go in the grey van.

I saw that the van had a back row of four seats, where Imogen, Ella, India and Isabelle were sat, then there was a row of one, where Maisie was, a gap, then there was Tim and Dominic sat on a row of two. There was one empty seat, then the aisle, then Ollie sat by the window with an empty seat next to him, which I went towards.

I saw him move the bag off the seat he'd saved for me. He'd saved a seat for me. I sat down next to him, and he smiled. His smile was so perfect. Wow.

'I saved you a seat. Hi.' He was still smiling.

'Hi.' I said quietly and put my bag under my seat, wishing I'd dressed more nicely instead of a pair of scruffy shorts and my team's rugby top. But he took one look at the top and grinned, then we just started talking and didn't stop.

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