Chapter 8- I love him

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We went to the pizza place for drinks after we got dropped back off in Omiš. Ollie and I sat next to each other and talked to Isaac, Ella, Maisie and Jess. We played some games and just chatted for ages.

We talked about the activities, and the plans for the next few days, and Ollie and I ended up holding hands. But not just normally holding hands, like fully, properly holding hands, his gorgeous smile and his amazing eyes focused on me.

We moved our hands under the table, playing a game with the others. Ella eventually went to sat with the other girls, and she did ask if I wanted to join them, but I stayed sitting with Ollie.

We kept slightly flirting, his eyes rarely ever moving off me, everyone else in the group noticing but not saying anything to either of us.

Fortunately for both of us, Imogen and the older girls were sat around the corner so they couldn't see us holding hands, and Tim had gone back to his apartment so he couldn't give us shit either. It was bliss.

Maisie and Jess were hilariously trying and failing to teach Isaac how to do the cup song, and we were all involved in an epic game where we went round in a circle and named something of a certain topic. If we hesitated or failed, we were out.

The subject was aquatic animals, and we'd successfully done five laps of our little circle before people began running out of ideas and naming random types of fish nobody even knew existed.

Ella came back because she said sitting with the older girls was pointless and boring, so the game became increasingly difficult.

We played for ages and Ollie didn't once let go of my hand and I was, for the first time in forever, really, truly happy.

We had to go back to our separate apartments to eat lunch, but returned to the beach, Ollie and Tim arriving early for a change. By the time Imogen and I arrived one minute late, the only people who weren't there were India and Isaac, who had said they were going to be two minutes late.

We found a nice spot to sit and changed into our bikinis and swimsuits, sending the older girls and Tim out to find the boat hire area. When India and Isaac finally arrived, we went to join the others at the boat hire place.

There was a lilac boat already paid for and waiting at the shore. The boat said maximum weight was four people, so all ten of us, would be eleven when Toby arrived, decided to pile onto one boat because why the fuck not?

We set out and could already see we had a problem. There were only two seats for people to pedal and driving the boat would completely kill all your energy in less than five minutes.

It was also a problem to balance weight. We had to work out who to sit where. Tim, the heaviest, was placed in the middle, on the steps of the slide to the boat, Ella sitting on top.

Maisie and Jess sat on the back seats, Isaac and India sitting at the back but not on the seats.

Imogen and Isabelle were pedalling and steering first, and Ollie and I sat together on the very front of the boat, looking at the horizon, chatting, our feet dragging in the water.

Ella and Isaac got out to swim behind the boat and push for a while, Tim and India pedalling for a while. People started to use the slide, mostly Jess and Maisie, and the less weight on the back, the harder it was to sit on the front.

The front eventually began sinking and we swapped our spots out for where Jess and Maisie were, sitting on the seats, the two lighter, younger people who were spending most of the time off the boat in the first place balancing the boat perfectly.

Well, that was until Ella came and sat at the top of the ladder to climb back onto the boat, and Isaac tried to climb up at the same time, tipping the boat sideways, me moving to the other side and nearly completely falling on top of Ollie.

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