Chapter 7- I Think I Love Him

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I woke up at exactly 8 o'clock, getting dressed in a t-shirt and some shorts and going to breakfast, Imogen and I seeing Ella and Maisie on the way and walking with them.

We saw India, Isabelle, Jess and Isaac sat on the same table and sat down with them. Annoyingly, they'd left a space next to me, leaving it empty so Ollie could sit with me. We talked and showed the others our matching bracelets, talking about the day's activity. Ziplining.

My mum was hilariously terrified for this one, she was afraid of heights, meaning she would strongly dislike the 700m long zipline over a canyon of equal height.

We ate breakfast, and I got my usual pancakes and some fruit. Ollie came late so I only spent 5 minutes next to him before I had to go to the holiday office and get ready, meaning he would be late.

We got told about the activity as we waited for Ollie and Tim to get back from breakfast, which took them about five minutes, and they rushed into the office just as we were considering going out to find them.

Lori showed us some videos of previous groups that'd done that activity and it looked amazing. The views looked beautiful on the video, and I knew they'd look even more beautiful in real life. The longest zipline had a full view of the river and the canyons-it looked amazing.

The vans arrived to take us to the ziplining place and, luckily, I was in the same van as Ollie. My smile dropped when he was led to sit in the back and my mother dragged me to sit in the front with her. I glanced back at Ollie, and he was looking right back at me.

We set off and the driver played love songs on the radio. Every song reminded me of Ollie, and I kept sneaking my head around to look at him and he was smiling at me. That was when it finally clicked that he liked me too, at least a little bit.

The van journey was about fifteen minutes long, and we were the first van to arrive at the secluded entrance to some woods with a steep stone path leading upwards. We all got our helmets, our gloves and our harnesses fitted and began walking, the other van catching up with us at the top of the hill.

We did a test run on a small zipline and were shown how to accelerate and how to brake, what the instructors would do when they wanted you to brake and accelerate, and how to get off at the end.

We got split into two groups, different from the vans we were in. The first group set off ahead of us, and I was in a group with some of the adults, Tim, Ollie, Isabelle, India and Imogen. The girls and Tim stuck together, Tim constantly and obviously flirting with Isabelle.
So, Ollie and I were left walking together for a while as we hiked to the very top of the hill. Partway up, Ollie's mum, Charlotte, came up and started talking to me. 'So, Summer, what do you like to do in your spare time?'

She wouldn't just come and ask that randomly; it was clear Tim had probably told her about Ollie and I holding hands in the sea. So, I told her what I did almost every day without fail. 'I do rugby and I play clarinet.'

'Oh, that's nice!' She grinned at me. 'Ollie plays rugby.'

'I know, he told me.'

'Are you on a grade of clarinet?'

Ugh, all these questions. I felt like I was being interrogated. 'Yeah, I did grade 3 at easter and I'm doing grade four in November.'

'Are you in a band then?'

'Yeah, I do a band every Saturday and I have a music lesson once a week.'

'Ollie plays three instruments.'

'Nice,' I said, just as we got to a ladder where everyone climbed up one by one, and I waited next to Ollie, glad I didn't have to listed to Charlotte asking me so many questions.

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