Chapter 9- Mine

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It was in that very moment that I decided that his shoulder was my favourite place to rest my head.

We looked out at the view, seeing the full town from where we were, the big bridge across the river, the little funfair at the other side of the bridge, even the inflatable water park we went on the other day.

I moved closer to him, and he tightened his arm around my waist, butterflies whizzing around my stomach. I was happier than I had ever been when I was with him, his eyes and his face so close to mine.

If the world was fair, I would've been able to stay there, at the top of the tower, in Ollie's arms, forever. But the world is most certainly not fair, not to us in that moment.

I heard Ella's voice as she climbed the ladder and Ollie moved me away from him and we looked over the view, slightly apart.

His hand was still on top of mine when Ella got to the top of the ladder, and he pulled it away. I took my phone out of my back pocket and took some photos of the view.

Ella came up and offered to take a photo of Ollie and I before anyone else and I said yes. Instead of just standing next to him, I pulled him close and put my arm around his waist and he put his arm around my shoulder.

I leaned on his shoulder, my new favourite place, and smiled at the camera of my phone that Ella was taking the photo with.

Ollie did his little picture smile and I looked at him and supressed my laugh. He had the cutest normal smile ever, but for photos he did this fake smile that looked completely different to his actual one.

Ella took some photos of us, and I took my phone back, Ollie and I going down the ladder before most of the group had even gone up to the top.

We passed everyone still in the queue and walked down a flight of mouldy wooden stairs that probably weren't safe, but oh well.

In the side of the wall there was a heart carved into the wood, with O+M written inside of it. Ollie looked up at me and covered the M with his hand. I laughed at him, and we kept walking. Stay away M, that's my man now.

We passed my mum who was sat at the bottom of the tower as she didn't want to climb the ladder up to the balcony or walk up the odd stairs.

We went back down the hill, Ollie holding my hand the minute we turned the corner away from the castle's entrance. I leaned on his shoulder and smiled. I'm so lucky!

We got down to a small area with more view and some benches. He sat on the bench, and I took some photos of the view, then took a picture of me with my head on his shoulder, him doing a real smile and not his picture smile.

I sat next to him on the bench, and we went through each other's camera rolls, him looking at some pictures of me in dresses, telling me I looked beautiful or gorgeous in every photo. His camera roll consisted of almost entirely his cats.

They were so cute, and he told me all of their names, and which one was which. Then he showed me the cutest photo ever of him and one of the cats together, doing his cute real smile again. It was so cute I swear I nearly died.

We kept looking through each other's phones, taking pictures of each other. He took a picture of me, then set it as his home screen. I thought I looked terrible, but he leaned his head on my shoulder and told me I looked phenomenal.

We joined hands and I never wanted to ever let go. The longer I spent with this boy, the more I loved him, the more I knew it'd hurt the night we had to go home.

I didn't want this holiday to end, and I did not want to lose Ollie. I would hold onto these memories forever. A holiday romance like ours didn't come often.

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