Chapter 14- One Last Night

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My mum came into Imogen and my room to tell us to get ready to go down to the beach as the afternoon boat was back.

I changed into my bikini and put away my book, getting a quick drink of water and filled up the glass to put it back into the fridge.

I put on my favourite shorts, shoved a towel in my bag and went outside with Imogen and my mum, walking down to the beach together.

And before I knew it, I was heading down to the beach, excited to see Ollie, but this was the last time we'd be together on that beach, and it hurt.

We'd only have about half an hour in the sea, but we all wanted to be able to all be there together one last time, Ella bringing the ball, loads of people coming.

Not one person was late, strangely. We went down to the beach and the adults got some loungers as fast as possible, ignoring the freezing water and all diving straight in.

We played piggy in the middle again, putting Isaac in the middle because it was funny for the rest of us.

Ollie would always get the ball and throw it directly at Isaac, the ball bouncing off Isaac's head and back to Ollie, leaving everyone dying of laughter.

We kept hitting the ball back and forth, giving up on piggy in the middle and just playing volleyball for a bit, not really going into teams, just trying to keep the ball in the air.

Our record was over thirty hits without the ball touching the water, everyone doing their share of work, talking and laughing about the memories we'd made in the past week.

When the adults told us it was time to get out and go back to the apartments to get ready for our meal out, we all groaned and reluctantly got out, getting slightly dry and heading back to our apartments.

I managed to argue my way into getting the first shower, showering quickly so I had time to dry my hair.

After my hair was dry and brushed, I picked myself an outfit: a nice grey minidress I only bought a couple weeks ago and was excited to wear for pretty much the first time.

I shoved on a baseball cap and chose to wear my blue shoes, doing my nails pink, purple and blue like I always did, then putting a small amount of lip gloss on.

By the time I did that and read another couple chapters of my book, it was ten to six and we had to leave to get to the restaurant on time.

As always, it was a hassle to get Imogen out of the apartment on time, but eventually she said goodbye to her boyfriend over text and put her phone down.

We walked quickly, navigating the winding streets of the Omiš old town, finding the restaurant and seeing some people already sat down with drinks.

We told the bar staff we were with them and went upstairs to the roof area of the fancy restaurant, where all the tables and chairs were moved around to accommodate us all.

The kids sat on one table, the adults sitting together on the other. I sat next to Ollie, across from Isaac in the corner.

The waitress came up the stairs with a tray of shots, offering one to all of the adults, then going over to where India, Imogen, Isabelle and Tim were sat in a group, asking them 'can you have?'

They all nodded, even though none of them were eighteen, the legal drinking age, and, without question, the waitress served them all.

They said it was disgusting after one tiny sip, but all agreed to drink it in one gulp together, everyone counting down as they drank.

Then Ella, Maisie and Jess turned up, sitting on the opposite end of the children's table to us, and the waiter came to take our drinks order.

I waited for Ollie to order first so I could get the same as him, then another waitress came with a stack of 24 menus I was surprised she didn't drop.

There was nobody else on the roof but our little group, and we were all better friends than we were with some people we'd known for years after a few days.

This was undeniably the best holiday I'd ever been on, and probably would ever be on for many years to come. And not just because of Ollie. Okay, mostly because of Ollie.

It was crazy how many inside jokes we all had with everyone, with just the kids or just the little groups that the kids had sectioned off into.

Our food orders were taken, but as a picky eater, I ordered the grilled chicken and chips, but Isaac did the same, so it was okay.

Ollie got the barbeque ribs, everyone else getting different dishes of exotic seafood, the adults ordering a massive platter with a fish that still had its eyes and everything, ugh.

The food came quickly, everyone still talking and eating and laughing about the holiday, photos from the activities being sent around.

'Look, it's you and Ollie!' India laughed, shoving her phone into our faces so Ollie and I could se a picture that'd been taken by the canyoning instructors in the river of us holding hands as we swam.

'Wait, wait, I want to see, that's my brother,' Tim shouted, grabbing the phone and looking at the picture of Ollie and I together. 'That's disgusting,' he said, giving the phone back to India

'I agree,' Imogen and Isabelle stated almost in unison as they were shown the photo.

I wonder what everyone at that table would've said if they could see that Ollie had his hand on my leg under the table.

I could feel my cheeks going bright red, but it was okay because I looked at Ollie and he was blushing, looking right back at me.

'Oh, my god how cute!' Isabelle said, clearly going back on how she said we were disgusting a minute ago, pulling her phone out and taking a photo of us.

In one of the photos, India stuck her head in front of the camera and pulled a face, the result sending us all.

The girls showed a very grumpy Tim the new verses they'd written of Timothy Timothy, everyone laughing including Tim.

The adults came over, begging the girls to do another performance, but Ralph didn't want to do any more of his laying down a beat.

We were still talking about everything we'd done in the past few days when 4 different people came up the stairs with the food.

I could see the fish with its dead eyes staring into the air go past me towards the adults, and I shuddered wondering how they could eat that.

My slightly less animal-looking grilled chicken was served, and it was some of the best stuff I'd ever eaten, so I made sure to clear my plate.

We decided not to do deserts, mostly because this place was already expensive enough without, but also because the main courses were filling enough.

The adults ordered themselves drinks, Imogen, India, Isabelle and Tim collecting some money to go to the beach bar together one last time before Tim had to go

Ollie, Isaac, Ella, Maisie, Jess and I all went to go to the little fairground, getting money from the adults, 100 kuna each, then combining it altogether to make the equivalent of £65.

We were given a time to be back, 10pm, but it was only 8 o'clock so we had plenty of time to do all the best rides and get back in time to say goodbye.

We thanked the restaurant staff as the six of us left, Ollie and I walking hand in hand at the back of the group

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