Fire Spirit

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I was working on some armour down in the forge. I'm still a bit baffled from yesterday. How did Nya do that? Yeah it was awesome but it was out of this word! I can hear Nya walking down the stairs just now actually.

"How was your sleep?" I asked her.
"It was good, why didn't you wake me up though?" She questioned.
"Well you did pass out in my arms yesterday and you looked so peaceful." I teased.
"Haha so funny." Nya deadpanned. She turned around and walked back up the stairs.

I put the helmet I was working on on a stand, next to some spears and swords. I started working on some more daggers. I picked up the hammer and started shaping it. I placed it in the boiling water for a few seconds and took it out. Woohoo first try! I looked out of the shop doors to notice the weather changing fast. Last minute it was somewhat sunny but now it's pouring with rain?

I turned my head back round to face my work. Out of the corner of my eye I saw some old man walking towards the shop. I turned around again to see him clearly. He had a really long white beard and was wearing a white and golden robe. He walked up to the counter and looked around the shop.

"Is there anything I can help you with sir?" I asked as I put my hammer down.
"Kai isn't it?" He questioned.
"Uhm yeah it is, how do you know my name?" I responded.
"I knew you parents, they were dear friends of mine." He told me "You have a younger sister don't you?"
"I do yeah." Who the hell is this guy and what does he want?
"You's very dangerous around these parts, you and your sister can live with me if you want." He offered. Who the hell does this guy think he is?
"No thanks sir, now your either going to buy something or get out the hell out." I nearly snapped.
"Fine then"

Like that he was gone.

"Kai who were you talking too?" Nya walked downstairs with a suspicious look on her face.
"Just some old guy." I responded. I turned around to see Nya wearing her casual clothes, black baggy jeans and a white t-shirt.
"Where are you heading off too?" I said as I wiped the sweat of my forehead.
"The library." She said as she took the keys out of the fruit bowl we have in the corner of the counter.
"See you later then." I said. Nya didn't respond she just waved and left.

-Hour later-

I was sat upstairs on the breakfast bar stool reading some book about blacksmiths. Everything was peaceful until there was a huge lightning crash outside. I looked outside the window to see some bony skeletons guys attacking the village. Wait hold on? There's more of them! I ran downstairs and picked up a sword from one of the displays.

As I walked outside to see some blonde boy fighting two of them at the same time. He used some sort of green-energy orb thing to attack them. Wait- maybe he has powers like Nya? Some knuckle head started charging towards me but I was able to slash off his bony arm. I quickly ran away when I saw another skeleton run up behind the blonde guy.

"Hey dude watch out!" I yelled.

Before he could react the blonde dude got struck down. I turned around to see a whole skeleton army charging towards me. I stuck out my arms ready for attack when I felt this sort of burning sensation? I then realised that in front the palm of my hands fire was forming.

Oh my god.

"Fire is dangerous Kai, easy to harm people with, point your palms at your opponent and imagine flames, imagine the smell, imagine the look, imagine the fire on your opponent"

I could hear my father's voice in the back of my head. I imagined all of the skeletons on fire and continued to point my palms at them. I could feel a slight tingling in front of my hand. I looked down and saw fire becoming larger in front of both of my palms. I did what my father told me, I imagined the fire on my opponent. The next thing I knew is that I got pushed backwards a little bit and that flames were shooting towards the skeletons. They all fell to the ground and were crumbling.

I turned around to see Nya helping the blonde kid on the floor. I looked back at the skeletons now that they were practically ashes and I watched as the flames died out. I ran as fast as I could too Nya and the blondie.

"Hey dude are you ok?" I kneeled down next to Nya and asked him.
"Oh yeah I'm feeling great, also Nya where did you get these protein bars? I love them" He responded.
"The shop down the road." Nya told him. They exchanged smiles with each other.
"Oh by the way, that was cool how you used to fire dude." The kid said to me.
"Oh thank you..."I trailed off since I didn't know his name.
"Lloyd." He finished for me.
"Thanks Lloyd." I said and he nodded. We all stood up with Lloyd following.
"You know, you guys should really meet me uncle, he helps people like us you know with powers and stuff" Lloyd stated.
"Really?" Nya was baffled.
"Yeah, he's trying to find the other three spirits." Lloyd remarked.
"Other three what?" I asked. What does he mean by "spirits".
"The reason why you have powers is because you're a spirit, like Kai you're a fire spirit, Nya's a water spirit and I'm an energy spirit." He explained.
"Oooh" Nya and I both said at the same time.

As we were walking to Lloyd's uncle's house I couldn't help but feel tired. This must've been what Nya was feeling yesterday.

"Lloyd can we stop for a bit? I'm tired." I stated.
"We're almost there we just have to go up these stairs." Lloyd turned around and pointed to a huge staircase on a mountain leading up to a monastery.

No way.

I continued walking as soon as I got on the first step I started doubt that I could make it up there alive. I walked up five steps and you know what I think I might just take a nap right here...


"Kai buddy! You did it!" I looked at some random tall buff dude, who might I add was really handsome and also what did I do?

"You completely destroyed those guys!" He cheered, he looked really proud and he suddenly crashed me into a hug. Who is this guy?

"Kai, Cole watch out!"

I could hear someone scream, it sounded like a robot-


I woke in a new bed. This must be Lloyd's Uncle's house. I could tell it was still daytime. I walked out of the bedroom and I heart Nya and Lloyd talking. I walked into the room they were in to see Nya completely immersed with the TV screen and Lloyd explaining to her what he was watching.

"There are hundreds of cartoons, my favourite is probably Steven Universe." Lloyd said. I sat on the chair that was next to the sofa Nya and Lloyd were sat on. I looked at the TV screen as Lloyd taught Nya how to use the remote. There wasn't really anything interesting on the TV. I heard footsteps and as I turned my head I saw that some has just walked in.

White and Golden robe...
Long white beard...

Oh my god that old man is Lloyd's uncle.

"Kai, how was your rest?" He smiled and asked me.
"Oh yeah it was great." I awkwardly responded. Lloyd's uncle walked out and I don't even know where in the monastery he went to.

"My uncle is called Wu by the way." Lloyd told me. I nodded and smiled at him. I slouched down into the chair, god this chair is comfortable. I can feel myself dozing off to sleep again. I take one last look at Nya and Lloyd and saw Nya having a cushion cuddled in between her knees and chest, not blinking and watching the TV.


word count: 1348

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