The Meet-Up

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-Third Person POV-

Jay was pacing around his living room, checking the time on his phone every so often. Jesus why can't Cole just wake up already? He continued to walk around his living room until he could hear steps walking towards him.

"Jeez, how long was I out for?" Cole yawned as he walked towards me.
"For six hours." Jay responded.
"Oh ok- Wait! Six hours? Jay we're later to work!" Cole panicked.
"Cole, Cole! It's fine! Linda was so angry about the machine thing she suspended us!" Jay told him. His body immediately relaxed and he calmed down. He sat down Jay's my couch and turned on his TV. He kept changing the channels until he found something more interesting to watch. Jay sat down on the chair next to the couch. He took his phone from his pocket and saw he got another text message.

"Go to the forest by the outskirts of Ninjago City and Ten O' clock."

It was only twenty-four minutes past nine so he still had some time.

"Dude I had the weirdest dream last night." Cole stated.
"Go on," Jay mumbled.
"Me and you beat up some dudes and we had powers, how crazy is that?" Cole said. Jay sighed and put his hands on his face. He was still so confused.
"That was real Cole!" Jay had lost it, he was freaked out.

Jay jumped up from his chair and started circling the living room.

"We literally controlled fucking lighting and earth yesterday! We beat up a gang of people! I got a weird text message telling me to go to the forest and take you with me!" Jay shrieked. His breathing started to speed up.

"What text message Jay? Why didn't you tell me about the text message!" Cole yelled.
"Because you were fucking sleeping!" Jay shouted.

Jay had enough, his eyes started watering. He didn't like shouting, he hated shouting. Jay's breathing started to slow down as his anxiety level was sort of going down.

"Jay- Jay I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you." Cole spoke, his voice was low and soft.
"Don't apologise it should be me, I snapped first." Jay said, he wiped his eyes.

Cole and Jay sat back down on the sofa. They sat awkwardly in silence as they watched TV.

"When you said 'text message' what did you mean?" Cole turned to face Jay.
"I got a text message saying go to the forest on the outskirts of Ninjago City at ten O' clock." Jay told him.
"Well, it takes half an hour to get there and it's half past nine now, should we go?" Cole asked him.
"And get murdered? No thank you." Jay sarcastically stated.
"Murdered? Oh please. No one is getting murdered while I'm around." Cole dramatically pointed him as he got up from the couch.
"I guess you're right." Jay realised. They both walked up to the front door and left, heading towards the forest.

Meanwhile, on the complete other side of Ninjago City.

Zane woke up in his bed. He cracked his knuckles and walked over to his dresser and picked out an outfit to wear. He opened his bedroom door and headed towards his bathroom. He took towel out of the cupboard under his sink and placed it o the towel rack. He got into the shower and felt the water trickling down his back. He didn't really like the feeling that much. He thought it was a sensory thing but didn't want to bother anyone by getting it checked out. He got out the shower and wrapped his towel around his waist. He took his tooth brush out of the holder and started brushing his teeth.

Once he was done he walked back to his room to get changed. Once he was done he walked over to his desk where he left his phone. He turned it on to see a message.

"Go to the forest on the outskirts of Ninjago City at ten O' clock."

It was half past eight at the moment, and since Zane lives on the complete opposite side of the forest. If he left now he would make it at five minutes to ten. He walked out of his apartment as he slid his phone into his jean pocket. He took the elevator down to the underground car park for residents. He walked over to his car, as soon as he sat in the drivers seat a cold feeling hit him. He did enjoy it though.

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