Lightning Spirit and Earth Spirit

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I was walking down the streets of Ninjago City, I looked down at my phone as a news notification. I clicked on it and a video of Gayle Gossip popped up.

"Is it true that people with magical powers have been spotted in Ignacia? We are here with some of the residents-"

I clicked off the news app and put my phone back in my pocket. I don't believe in stuff like this, there's no such thing as magical powers. It's all fake. I walked into the arcade and went towards the storage room. I put the blue vest on that all workers have to wear. It had my name tag and everything on it too.

"You alright Jay?" My co-worker Cole said to me. He was making a coffee and had his back turned. "I'm making coffee, want one?" He turned around with two mugs full off coffee.
"Yeah sure." I walked over to Cole and took the blue mug he was holding.
"Did you get another nose piercing?" I asked him.
"Yeah I got a septum one two days ago." He responded.
"Looks cool." I remarked.
"Thanks dude." He tapped my shoulder and walked over to one of the tables and sat in the blue plastic chair. I sat down opposite him and drank my coffee.

"Wanna come over to mine and have pizza tonight?" I asked. Cole looked up at me, he had bags under his eyes, but to be fair I do too.
"Yeah sure, who's paying." He looked at me dead in the eyes and put his coffee mug down. I put mine down too. We get serious about this stuff.
"Competition?" I suggested.
"Fine, whoever goes a day without making Linda angry doesn't have to pay, is that a deal?" He brought his hand out to shake mine. I shook his hand and we looked each other dead in the eye. He walked over to the sink and washed our cups, we both don't wanna make Linda angry. Linda is the manager and she's in everyday and she can't go a day without shouting at someone. We've both been shouted at before by her and it's scary as hell. Once we finished washing up we placed them both in the cabinet. We walked outside the storage room and into the arcade.

"Hey sir can you help me? I won a prize in one of the machines but it won't come out." A random little boy asked me.
"Oh yeah sure, what machine were you playing on?" I asked the kid. He pointed to the claw machine with spiderman and batman plushies. I walked towards it and looked into it. Ah, I see what's happened. The batman plushy he one got stuck by a string on the dropper bit. I slanted the key in the lock that's on the glass. I took the glass off and retrieved the stuck batman plushy. I noticed in the corner of my eye that Linda was watching me. I gave the kid the batman plushy and placed the glass back onto the machine and locked it.

"Thank you sir!" The boy said before he skipped away to another machine. I turned around to see Linda walking away. I walked to the counter where Cole was working.
"How are you doing so far?" I asked him.
"She's giving me evils but she hasn't shouted at me yet." He responded "But I'm still gonna win this Jay."
"Sure you will!" I sarcastically laughed as I walked away.

-An hour later-

I looked up the clock on the arcade, ten minutes left on my shift. I was fixing one of the machines with Cole when we heard someone angrily stomping towards us. We turned around and saw..oh no Linda.

"Can you both explain to me why this machine is broken?" She snapped at us.
"Uhm some teenagers came in and kicked it because they lost their mone-" Cole tried to explain but got interrupted by Linda.

For the next ten minutes Cole and I got completely yelled at by Linda, I guess we both lost the competition. After Linda had finished having a fit we got up and put our vests in the storage room and walked out the back door.

As we were walking back to mine we could see some stuff going on in front of us, it kind off looked like a...holy crap a group of guys were beating someone up. Cole was looking down at his phone, I nudged him on his arm.

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