Moving In Properly

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-Cole's POV-

I got out of the shower turning off the faucet. The mirror in front of me was covered in steam but it slowly started to evaporate. I had a towel wrapped around my waist, Lloyd let me borrow one of his spare ones. Once the mirror was clear I grabbed a random toothbrush on the side. Lloyd said it was one that fell into his pocket once when he went shopping with Sensei Wu so no one has used it. I brushed my teeth and spat out the toothpaste. I checked myself out in the mirror.

God I am so hot.

I left the toothbrush on the side. I started messing with the curls in my hair. I get my curls from my Mum's side of the family. She had curly hair too before she- never mind. Not gonna think about that today Cole.

I quickly walked back to my room to get changed. I walked into my room so see a note on my wardrobe.

"Try the clothes on in here -Wu."

I opened the wardrobe doors to find some grey and orange outfit with a mask hanging up on a clothes peg.

I opened the wardrobe doors to find some grey and orange outfit with a mask hanging up on a clothes peg

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It actually fit me really well. I walked over to the body long mirror in the corner. I look like a real warrior. I started flexing my muscles and doing all kinds of poses until I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I yelled as I continued to check myself out.

"Hey Cole." I heard Jay say. I turned around to see him wearing similar clothes.

"Zane said he can take us both back to our apartments, wanna go now?" Jay asked

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"Zane said he can take us both back to our apartments, wanna go now?" Jay asked.
"Yeah sure." I responded.

We walked out of the monastery and into the yard to see Zane talking to Nya.

"Well I better go and help Jay and Cole out but it was nice talking to you Nya." Zane said.
"Yeah, you too Zane" She responded and started walking back into the monastery.
"Hi Jay." Nya said as she walked past Jay.
"Hey Nya." He nervously responded.

Oh my god I'm gonna tease the hell out of Jay with this.

"Oooh is someone crushing on a fellow Spirit?" I teased Jay, nudging him in the arm.
"Shut up." He gritted his teeth as he walked towards the steps and catching up with Zane. I decided to run up to the both of them.

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