Ice Spirit

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I opened my apartment door, turning on the lights as I entered. I shut the door behind me and wandered into the kitchen. I just got back from an eight hour shift at the superstore and it was not fun. The heaters had malfunctioned and I got put on the duty to fix it, it took nearly two hours to do! It took me a whole hour to mop up sick off the floor too. I spent the rest of my shift stacking up tins that people continued to knock over.

Usually I'm not an angry person, but this job is making me quite unhappy. I walk over to my fridge and take out yoghurt. It was only a plain, vanilla yoghurt. I know it's quite basic but I enjoy it. I took my phone out of my trouser pocket. I had one notification, from Pix. Pix is my best friend and she has been for years. We are very similar. We both enjoy the same foods, like the same shows and have the same interests. I clicked on the notifcation, she had sent me a message.

Pix: Hello Zane, how was your shift?

Me: Unenjoyable.

Pix: I am very sorry to hear that, how about I come over and order some food?

Me: What food do you have in mind?

Pix: A new noodle house opened, three doors down from your apartment. We can either sit in or take-out?

Zane: That sounds delightful, I'm not very bothered where we eat it.

Pix: Should we eat in then?

Zane: Ok, that is great!

Pix: I will come over to your apartment in about on hour. Goodbye.

I put my phone down on the counter and went to my bedroom to get changed. I put on some jeans and threw a jumper over my shirt. I walked into my lounge and sat down on the sofa and reaching for a book off the coffee table. I don't watch TV that much to be honest. I do watch it if it's like the news or if Pix. comes over and we want to watch a movie, but if I'm on my own I usually just read books.

Some time passed and I heard knocking at the door, it must be Pix.

"Greetings Pix." I said as I let her in.
"Hello Zane, it's going to be great fun having dinner with you." Pix said as she walked in. I smiled and shut the door behind her.
"Is it ok if I leave my phone on charge here whilst we go out? My current phone charger has broke." She told me.
"Oh yeah that's fine, mine is in the living room."

Pix walked to the lounge and grabbed her phone from her pocket, she inserted the charger and left her phone on my coffee table. She turned back around and we both walked out the door, I shut the lights off and locked the door behind us.

As we were walking down the stairs of my apartment building I had a weird and uneasy feeling. I feel like something bad is going to happen. I'm probably overreacting and I'm just tired.

"What's the noodle house called?" I asked Pix as we walked past an elevator with a "broken" sign on it.
"Chen's noodle house, I think the owner's daughter runs it." Pix responded.
"Ah, that's nice." I flashed a smile at Pix.

We finally reached the double doors that lead out onto the busy streets of Ninjago city. Pix led me down the road and the noodle house's bright lights came into view. It must be very popular as there were lots of people walking in or out. Pix grabbed my hand and crossed the street with me now following. We entered the restaurant to a welcoming smell. Someone in a shirt saying "Chen's Noodle House" imprinted onto it and a name tag pinned opposite the logo. She had long red hair tied up into a high pony tail.

"Hi I'm Skylor, party for two?" She asked.
"Yes." Pix responded, having a wide smile.
"Follow me" Skylor responded, leading us too a booth table in the corner. Pix and I both sat down opposite each other.
"I'll bring round some menus in a moment." She told us then walked away.

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