Chapter Five - Mother, Daughter Time

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Hey babes! This chapter is probably going to be short.maybe. lol. If I have time later today, I'll add chapter six :) Thank you for reading  this, voting, and commenting. It means so much to mean. I love all you guys, ok. Well keep reading, voting, and please tell me what you think of this story. And maybe give me some ideas?(: Sorry for any errors.


"Hey Lilly, when we get home can we watch movies together and have a sister movie night?" I ask.

"Ok Kayl-" the car starts slipping across the road.


I hug her tight and the car suddenly starts flipping. Lilly is crying in my ear. Glass is hitting my body. The car stops and I see mommy look back at me. She's bleeding...alot. Lilly stopped crying. I look at her and she's not moving or having any motion. I hear sirens. Daddy is laying on the steering wheel. "Mom..why aren't Lilly or daddy moving? I'm scared." I cry.


I wake up crying and shaking. A nurse comes in and calms me down. "It was just a nightmare, sweetheart." she says. I look at her name tag. Nurse Calisha Herman. She hands me a cup of water and wipes the tears off my cheeks.

"Thank you Mrs. Herman."

"Your welcome," she smiles, "You have a visitor" she motions my eyes to the door.

It's my mom. She walks in and I take in a deep breath. The nurse walks out and my mother sits next to my bed. "Honey, I'm so sorry I hurt you. I should've never said anything like that to you or hit you. I love you. I was intoxicated and careless. I called a rehab center the next day and I've been going there everyday. I'm getting better, Kaylee. I promise."

I look deep in her brown eyes. My dad had brown eyes too. I wonder where I got my blue eyes. "I forgive you mom. I love you too." I cry. She hugs me and I hug her back. I can never stay mad at my mom. She's really trying to stop drinking and start over with her life.

"You get released from the hospital when ever you are ready today. I just signed your release papers. Can I take you out to lunch? I want to hear all about these new friends you have." She smiles.

"Sounds like a plan mom but Baylee is going to bring me some clothes I can change into so can we wait for her to come?" into

"She came while you were sleeping." She held up some clothes. There was a shower in my bathroom and the nurse helped me ger it started. I took a quick shower and I changed into my navy blue and white striped loose tank top with some hollister jean shorts. I slipped my feet into my white vans and put my hair up in a high pony tail. I walked out of the bathroom and my mom had my eye glasses in her hand. I forgot all about them, wow. I put them on my face and I could actually see alot better. I never realized how bad my eyesight was.

We walked out of the hospital and got in her car. "Where do you want to go out to eat?" she asks. Without hesitation I yell, "TACO BELL." I love taco bell. It makes me so happy. She laughs and drives to the nearest taco bell. I order 4 soft shell tacos and a large Pepsi. I hated that hospital food. I wanted some tacos the entire time I was there. I was so hungry. We sit down and I basically inhale my first taco. "Wow, Kaylee. Calm down so you don't choke." my mom warns me. I laugh and sip on my drink.

"So who are your new friends?" She asks smiling

"Keaton and Wesley Stromberg, Drew Chadwick, and Baylee!" I reply

"Well of course I know Baylee. Tell me more about the boys."

"Mommmm. Seriously? ok well we ran into eachother at the beach about a week ago because they liked our surfboards. We surfed that whole day and had a campfire that night. They are like my best friends now. Mom, you have to keep this a secret. Don't go back to LA and tell all your friends but I think I have a crush on Keaton and Baylee likes Wes." I blush

"OH MY GOD MY DAUGHTER LIKES A BOY." she basically yells in the restraunt. Everyone is looking at us

"Mom, be quiet. This is why I didn't want to tell you." I look down.

"Sorry honey. Keep going. I won't yell." she chuckles.

"Ok, well they are in a band called emblem3. I think they have a drummer named kenny and a piano/ saxaphone player named kyle. I just realized how many of our names start with K. Anyways, they played their guitars at the campfire and they are really good musicians and singers. When I see them again, I'm telling them to go on xfactor. I think they could win it." I say as I stuff another taco in my mouth.

"That's a wonderful idea, Kaylee," Her eyes brighten up, "Well, we better bring you back to baylee so you guys can have a wonderful summer break."

We finish up our food and she brings me back to my apartment. I give her a big hug with my good arm and say our goodbyes. "I'll call you sometime later this week." I say as I walk up to apartment 2B on the second floor. I walk into the room and Baylee runs into me and hugs me. "I missed you, loser! No more getting hurt."

We both laugh. "I spent all day with my mom. I have to tell you all about my day."

I tell her about the lunch I had with my mom and I even told her about me wanting the boys to go on xfactor. She smiled. "Text Baby Keats right now and tell him to come over with the boys. I bet they miss you too."

"Baby Keats?" I ask as I send Keaton a text.

TO: Keaton :)<3

Hey, I'm home from the hospital. Come on over with the boys and hang out with Baylee and I. Pleaseeee.(:

"He's like my little brother so I call him Baby Keats." Baylee replies.

My phone vibrates about 30 seconds later.

FROM: Keaton :)<3

On my way. What's your address? :)

I send him a text with my address and I go into the bathroom and put on some mascara and cover up. I put my glasses back on and wait on the couch with Baylee for the boys to come.


Hope you loved the chapter. I know where I'm going with this story. This was kind of a fill in chapter. I think my story will get alot better. Please fan, vote and comment. If I don't post chapter six today, then I will monday. :)

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