Chapter Four - Kaylee's past

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Hey lovlies. :) sorry I havn't posted lately. I've been busy with so much homework. I don't have any tonight and if I don't tomorrow, I will write another chapter. :) oh and sorry for the chapters being to short haha im not very creative. lol Sorry for any punctuation, spelling or grammar errors. I keep saying sorry haha


Kaylee's P.O.V

I slowly open my eyes and close them shut quickly because of the bright light. "She's awake!" I hear a voice loudly whisper. I open my eyes and they adjust to the light. My head is pounding. I move my arm to put my head on my head and I realize my arm is in a cast. I look at my surroundings and realize I'm in a hospital. Keaton, Wesley, and Baylee are in the room. So is Drew. And....and my mom? "Mom? What's going on?"

"Honey, you were in a surfing accident and hit your head. Your friends called me." My mom replies.

"I called Drew once we calmed down in the waiting room. You have been in a coma for the past two days." Keaton adds.

"Mom, can you please go in the waiting room or leave. I don't care. I just need to be with my friends right now." I said

"Oh um okay sweetie. I'm glad your awake." She said and walked out of the room.

"I told you she didn't want her mom here." Baylee said as she looked at Keaton and Wes.

"Kaylee, what's going on between you and your mom? Sorry for asking. I'm jusst wondering and I'm worried." Keaton asks polietly.

"First, explain to me why I am here and what my conditions are other than having a huge headache." I reply.

"Okay, well waves kept crashing over you and you hit your head on a sharp rock. I brought you to shore and wes brought us all to the hospital. The doctor said you loss alot of blood and you were unconcious the since you hit your head. We were all so worried. Oh, and somehow you broke a bone in your arm but none of us know how. Anyways, you went into a coma a little after we brought you here  but you are going to be okay. We called Drew and he immediantly showed up and we called your mom before him and she showed up as soon as she could. None of us have slept we were so scared." Keaton informs me.

"Oh gosh, I just met you all, other than Baylee of course,  a few days ago. I can't believe you stayed here for the past couple days. You are all such good friends. I love you guys and I'm sorry I put you through all this."

"Don't be sorry Kaylee! You are like our little sister. We are here for you, ok?" Wesley said as he stood up and hugged me.

"Baylee, can you bring Wes and Drew down to the cafeteria. You three need to stop worrying me and go eat. I need to talk to Keats though." I slightly smile. Baylee nods and grabs the boys to bring them downstairs to the cafe area. I look at Keaton and he looks worried.

"Okay Keaton. This is kind of deep and personal. I just met you yesterday but I trust you. You saved my life," I choke up a little bit and he grabs my hand, "My dad, mom, and I lived a perfect life. We all loved eachother so much. I had a little sister too. Her name was Lilly. We were on our way back home from a ski trip when I was 8. The roads were really icy and it was snowing so hard that we could barely see. Well, the car started to slide and it started flipping. The only thing I remember is hearing my sister scream and then me waking up in a hospital bed," tears forming in both of our eyes, "Well, my mom and I were ok. Just some minor cuts and bruises. My dad and sister both died at the scene of the accident. My sister was only 4," I'm crying really hard now. Keaton squeezes my hand. "My mom and I havn't been the same since. My mom became so depressed that she would just get drunk every night. The night before this summer, she hit me. Multiple times. She said it was my fault dad and Lilly died. She was drunk of course but she never apologized. Never called, nothing. I'm so angry and sad at her. I don't even want to see her right now. The only person who I told this to was Baylee. I've been quiet to myself since the accident. Baylee is basically my only friend. Well, that was until I met you boys. You three make me smile whenever I see you. Even though we just met, I feel like I've known you my whole life."

Keaton has tears falling down his face and he hugs me tight. He's speechless. He finally speaks after a minute or two once he stops crying. "Kaylee, I am so sorry. I am here for you. I don't know what to say. You are so beautiful and perfect. You don't deserve what has happened to you. I know your father and little sister are looking down on you right now and probably are very proud of you. You are so strong. Your mom loves you Kaylee. She was just drunk, ok. She probably didn't mean what she said. I won't tell anyone about this, you can trust me."

I smile as he wipes my tears away. "Thank you Keaton."

A nurse walks in and tells me he has to leave so I can rest. "Keaton, as you leave, tell my mom to come back tomorrow. I think I can talk to her. Maybe. Just go home tonight with the boys and sleep. You can see me tomorrow. Oh, and tell Baylee to bring me some clothes." I laugh and he chuckles too.

"Okay Kaylee, good night. Sleep well."

"Night Keats."


ok hey, I don't know how I feel about this chapter lol. I don't want Kaylee and Keaton to move to fast in their friendship/relationship but I needed this information to come. But yeah none of this has happened to me in real life. If any of you guys are going through a rough time in your life, please talk to me. I'm here for you. But yeah. Vote, fan and comment what you think and what you want to happen. This was more of a Keaton and Kaylee chapter. Wesley and Baylee's relationship will come soon. ok bye loves. :)

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