Chapter 5 - Bad Ideas And Marathons

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          This chapter is dedicated to derra_xx😊.
       Nothing much happened through the week except for the 'heys'and'hi's' I and Temi exchanged once in a while until Wednesday. It was lunchtime and Chichi was impatiently waiting by the door while I packed my stuff off my desk when Isaac stopped me. He asked if we could all have lunch with his friends so that we could all get acquainted since the both of us hung out a lot at school. I thought it was okay but I didn't know if it was right to answer for everybody.

          "You're there gisting when I'm waiting for you" she said when we got to her and walked away. I laughed and caught up with her while Isaac went to get his friends.

    We got to the cafeteria and I told the rest Isaac's plans and they were cool with it except for Sophia who was red in the face with embarrassment.

         Isaac came with his friends and surprisingly, Temi was among them. Why didn't he tell me this sooner?? Then Jacob, he was Isaac's best friend. He was tall, handsome and in between lean and muscular. We used to talk casually before but then we kinda just stopped. I don't know why. Then, there was David. He had this baby face that you could stare at all day and he was really quiet but also really smart. Lastly, there was Benji short for Benjamin and he was a character. Smart like Jacob, friendly like Isaac and goofy like Jamiu (who remembers him🙃).

     When they arrived, we made room for them. The table could hold ten people and we were nine. Benji sat opposite Chichi and I was by her left. Opposite me was Jacob and by Chichi's right was Jasmine and beside her was Temi. At this point, I really didn't care. The crush was slowly fading away and besides it was Jasmine.

    Opposite Jasmine was Sophia and beside her was Isaac and beside him was David. When they were settled, little conversations started between Isaac, David and Sophia, Temi and Jasmine but Chichi and Benji chipped in a little. Jacob wasn't really talking. He kept mute most of the time and I was starting to think he was the quiet one. Me, I was focusing on my food. It was way more important right now. That was until a little argument started.

        "Your leg is touching me" Chichi said.

        "I know. Who else is it supposed to touch?" He asked rhetorically and went back to talking with Jacob.

        "It's like you didn't hear me. Your.Leg.Is.Touching.Me." she said her voice going an octave higher and also kicking his leg away. She isn't really keen on physical contact. Benji should just remove his leg fast fast.

         "I don't understand. What's all this? I can't make myself uncomfortable for you" he said kicking hers as well.

     "You have balls o you're hitting a girl" she said kicking him again.

     "Which girl? As far as I'm concerned I'm hitting my fellow guy" he said kicking her again.

      "Isaac, I don't know where's you got this idiot.....this nincompoop you call a friend but return him back with the receipt" she said standing up and yelling attracting the attention of the people around us. At this point, I was just laughing and clutching my plate of spaghetti and egg like it was popcorn and enjoying the free show because.....why not??

    "Oshey, you learnt a new word." He said clapping. "Just sit down abeg you're causing a scene. People are eating" he said nonchalantly and went back to his food pretending like she wasn't there. I was doubling with laughter with tears almost running down my face and it only increased when I saw how red her face was with anger when she glared at me. What happened?? I'm not the only one. Everybody was laughing openly and some were hiding it. I felt someone staring at me, I thought it was Benji at first but looking up it was Jacob.

      I stared back at him thinking he would drop his gaze but I was the one who did. Chichi sat back down and Benji didn't say anything. He just glanced at her. The conversation was a bit tense because of them but we worked it out.

          Soon, lunch break was over and Isaac asked to do this again. If Chichi and Benji are going to behave like this,then I'm in but not completely because she might strangle him or he would.

          When we got back to class, Chichi didn't say a word. Even when Jamiu tried talking to her and annoying her, she didn't budge. She didn't insult or disrespect any teacher that came in after break either. She had never lost that type of fight and she didn't like that she did.

         On the other hand, Isaac and Sophia had talked alot throughout lunch and exchanged numbers. In class, Isaac and I talked to each other through the remaining four periods:Commerce, English, Civic education and a free period.

     After school, Jasmine had told me she had a good idea that would help me and knowing Jasmine it was a bad idea and besides I didn't understand the help I needed. "Just try it out and you would either have a boyfriend soon or bury your crush" she said pleading. She didn't need to know that the crush was already being buried but maybe it needed one more heap of sand.

    "Okay. Fine. When do you want to do this?" I asked trying to get this over with.

     "Kemi, I thought you were supposed to be smart. You should know that this is a bad idea. Jasmine's ideas are always bad" she said rolling her eyes. But my head stuck on the 'supposed to'. Ouch!!

   "Supposed to? I am smart" I said raising my head up high.

    "Doesn't look like it" she said shrugging.

     "No na. They finished you during lunch and now you're insulting me. It's okay" I said but I faintly heard her grumble about how nobody was finished. I just smirked.

          Sophia came soon afterwards and when I told her about it , she also thought it was a bad idea. Maybe I should rethink this stuff. As usual, I and Kiiti went home and he whined and complained all the way. Honestly, I'm wondering how he's not tired.

Once we got home, I hurried up the stairs to escape Kiiti and also wash up. My mom wasn't home early today because she was busy. She's an interior designer and owns a company called Shade Designs. She has a project for a wedding so she doesn't have time. Kiiti went up too to drop his stuff.

    When I was done, I started on lunch which was spaghetti and hotdogs. What? I couldn't really eat with someone staring at me and I was still craving it so, sue me. Once we were done eating, I told Kiiti to do his homework and study before watching tv and went to do mine too but I don't know when I slept off.

     I woke up the next day feeling a bit disoriented. How did I sleep so long? I must have been so tired. I turned to check the time on my phone and it read: 7:45. I sprung out of bed and jumped into the shower. I was going to be soooo late.

     I showered, dressed up and rushed downstairs in a span of 20 minutes. I couldn't see Kiiti anywhere, neither could I see my mom and dad but I saw breakfast on the table. I picked it up and put it into a small container so that I could eat it later and shoved it into my bag. What? I worked up an appetite. I checked upstairs again to make sure that nobody was home. I confirmed that they had all gone. Just like that?! I'm seriously going to get shouted at later. I hurried to school after locking the door and made it there at exactly 8:25. First period had already started.

     I hurried to my class and sat down. Luckily, there was no teacher present. I tried calming my breaths because I was panting and sweating.

    "What happened to you? You look like you just ran a marathon" Isaac has said immediately I sat down. He looked like he wanted to laugh.

     "That's because I just did" I say and take gulps of my water.
So, yeah, that's it. What do you think? Who's your favourite character? Benji for me😂. Sorry about the late update 🥺.
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