Taki talking.

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Hello, ghouls, goblins and ghosts. It's max BuryMeNot. Your favourite ghost host just a quick disclaimer, if you feel uncomfortable with light depressive conversation, then I think this one might not be the best one for you, so you might want to skip this one, the other one will basically fill you in.

It was later in the day .Lydia and Donny were getting ready to sleep in the car. Trust me, he had thousands of blankets and pillows, I mean, who doesn't want to feel comfortable? But as they were slowly settling down Lydia couldn't help the shaking feeling. She hadn't thought about it much because she was so busy trying to find Beetlejuice. I mean true, that was all that mattered to her right now, but she needed to address the problem with herself mostly. She was dead. I mean, of course she was. She was dead for the past couple days. But she hasn't understood it fully what this will mean for her, after she finds Beetlejuice, what will she even do? Like Juno suggested, Lydia was definitely going to go to ghoul school. The same one, that Beetlejuice actually ended up graduating in. But she missed going to real public school. With miss Shannon, Betty prudence Bertha and even Claire she couldn't help but miss it. And most of all, the thing that she would miss in the living world was her family. What would her mom and dad think, what are they thinking? They probably thought she ran away. They're out looking for her, they would have no idea where she was. But she couldn't help, but softly and silently start to cry. I mean, she didn't want anyone to hear her. She missed it, and all of that was gone. It was her fault, she was dead in the first place. She had so much to look forward to what would college be like, what would her future job be. But all of that was behind her because of one simple, yes. It wasn't Beetlejuice's fault, it was an impulse. Beetlejuice always made dumb and irrational. Decisions like that that was just his nature, and Lydia just followed along in his foot steps cautiously. Did she know what's right? She knew it was a not good idea, but she still fell through with it. What was she going to do  when she got beetlejuice back. She understood not everything needed a plan, but this was a very important course of action that would plan and her whole afterlife, you know, because she didn't have life to worry about anymore. "Donny"she mumbled quietly, "are you still up?" "of course I am,! "he said happily, not realizing she was in a bad mood. "I'm scared." what is there to be scared of ? " death... " oh, I guess death was scary for me at first but it never really bothered Beetlejuice, but nothing ever does. But you know what I had to push through, no matter what! sure I missed my family and friends and everything that I had back at life, but this was a fresh start. And besides getting to reunite with family and old friends that may have passed is worth it Because you always have something by your side." an image of Beetlejuice immediately flashed and Lydia's head, he was right, as long as she had Beetlejuice, everything would be ok, he always managed to take care of her when times got tough, especially whenever she got the measles that was a wild ride she couldn't help but flash a faint smile.

" an image of Beetlejuice immediately flashed and Lydia's head, he was right, as long as she had Beetlejuice, everything would be ok, he always managed to take care of her when times got tough, especially whenever she got the measles that was a wi...

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I guess death wasn't so scary after all, if you just thought of the positives. I wish you got to go back to school and she would be able to get a job and well everything she was hoping for in her future. It did not have to happen at once, step by step and well her friends were always there for her.

Beetlejuice slide there in his bed after just putting down another book that led to dead ends. The only thing he thought of was Lydia bouncing up and down through his head as he turned himself into a bouncy ball. It was his fault, he should have never thought of that dumb plan, maybe this wouldn't have happened hopefully, she could have spent a little extra time on homework, and then he wouldn't have had the time to go with that idea for the day. He never realized what little time he had to spend with Lydia until he didn't have any. The times he had with her were good, but apparently they were fleeting. You never realize how much you love something until it's truly gone. Well what he thought happened to Lydia. But he would never stop searching or looking at all. Nothing was gonna stop him from seeing his Lydia and well, he couldn't have the help she was looking to. He was ready to go to bed, but his body couldn't contain all of it. He was emotionally drained, usually he was so bouncy and excited and barely able to go to bed, but it was all he wanted to do now. He felt so empty without her, what was he going to do without her? As he rolled over to finally get some shut eye, he just wished it could have happened differently... Would she really be better off without him?

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