Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Toni's POV

Toni's POV

I woke up to my phone bursting on the table and quickly went to answer it, having to briefly spin out of Taylor's grasp.

"Hello mum." I said.

"Why does your voice sound so raspy? Have you not been taking the special syrup I made for you?" My mother scolded.

"Don't worry mum I have been. I just woke up so that's why." I excused.

"You're waking up at uh what time is it there? 2 pm?" My mother questioned.

Before I could give an execuse other to the fact that I was having sex with one of my new best friends my mom remembered I had a concert.

"Oh that's why your voice is so raspy make sure to drink two tablespoons of the syrup recipe. I'll let my little pop star get some rest."

"Bye love you." I said.

"Bye." She replied.

I turned back around to see if Taylor was still awake and she was staring at me looking sort of mesmerized.

"Bloody bollocks you scared the living shambles out of me!"

"Your accent is so funny." Taylor laughed and she kept on laughing which eventually made me laugh.

"Wow, making fun of my accent after we just went seven rounds?" I joked.

"I'm sorry it's just so cu- funny." Taylor corrected.

"I'll let it slide." I smiled and silence filled the air shortly after.

"So what are we gonna do?" I asked as I cleared my throat.

"I have no idea." Taylor whispered against my neck.

My phone started vibrating again and I answered it quickly.

"Hello Kate." I greeted.

"Hello? Where are you? The meeting starts in ten minutes!" Ryder yelled.

"Shit!" I gasped as I jumped out of Taylor's bed and quickly looked for my clothes but couldn't find them.

"Where my clothes?" I questioned.

"Dryer." Taylor replied in amusement as she watched me run around her room frantically.

"I'm going to hang up now." Ryder whisphered.

I ran to go get my clothes and I quickly put them on and ran back into Taylor's room to get my phone.

"Bye I've got an important meeting but we can talk about this.. later." I replied as I kissed Taylor's forehead.

"Uh I'm gonna be in Los Angeles for a little so.." Taylor informed.

"Oh ok then we'll talk eventually." I replied as I left confused about the whole situation that happened. I had multiple fears.

What if I was a rebound?

What if this didn't mean anything?

What if this messed up our friendship?

What if we move on to the next step and then break up and ruin our friendship?

I hopped in a taxi that dropped me off at the record labels division office and walked into my meeting.


"She's finally here." Kate sighed.

"Traffic." I lied and Ryder turned to give me a suspicious look.

"Alright let's get down to business.. I know you two are pretty far into the album work. At least as far as writing goes, do you have a timeframe of when you think it'll be ready for review?" Kate asked.

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