Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

Sorry I've been gone awhile schools been a lot lately!!!

Toni's POV

I was feeling a mix of nerves and excitement as I stood in front of my best friends, Makayla and Jason. I was trying out for the role of Rue in the upcoming Euphoria production and I wanted to make sure I was as prepared as possible.

"Okay guys, I'm ready," I said, taking a deep breath. "Let's do this."

Makayla and Jason both nodded encouragingly.

"Okay, let's start with the scene where Rue is talking to Jules about her addiction," said Jason, who was going to play the role of Jules in our little practice session.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to get into character. When I opened my eyes, I was Rue.

"I just don't know what to do," I began, tears welling up in my eyes. "I can't seem to shake this addiction and it's taking over my life."

Jason put a comforting arm around me, just like Jules would do in the show.

"I know it's tough, Rue," he said. "But you have to remember that you're not alone. I'm here for you."

I let out a sigh and leaned into him, feeling the emotions of the scene wash over me. This was what I loved about acting – the chance to become someone else, to experience their emotions and tell their story.

"That was really good, Toni," said Makayla, clapping. "You're really getting into the character."

I smiled, feeling a sense of pride. "Thanks, guys. I just want to make sure I do Rue justice."

We continued to practice the scene, playing around with different takes and line deliveries. The hours flew by and before I knew it, it was time to wrap up.

"That was great, Toni." Jason said, patting me on the back. "You're going to kill it at the audition."

I grinned, feeling a burst of confidence. "Thanks, guys. I couldn't have done this without you."

As we left the room, I felt a sense of calm. I was as prepared as I could be for the audition tomorrow, and I knew that no matter what happened, I had my best friends to support me.

"Hey, why don't we go get some ice cream to celebrate?" suggested Makayla. "My treat."

I smiled, feeling grateful for her kindness. "That sounds amazing. Let's do it."

As we walked to the ice cream shop, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement for the future. I was ready to take on this audition.

"Hey, Toni?" said Jason, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Do you know what's even better than ice cream?"

I raised an eyebrow, wondering where he was going with this. "What?"

"Toni Swift singing a duet with Taylor Swift," he said, chuckling.

I rolled my eyes, but I couldn't help but laugh. "Very funny, Jason but we're not married yet."

We continued to joke and tease each other as we enjoyed our ice cream, the future feeling bright and full of possibilities. I was grateful for my friends, and I couldn't wait to see where this journey would take me.


I walked into the audition room with my heart pounding in my chest. I had been preparing for this moment for months with my best friends Makayla and Jason, and I was determined to give it my all. I took a deep breath and let the emotions take over as I began my monologue.

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