Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

This chapter was so much fun to write I hope you all enjoy it!!!

Toni's POV

I heard the doorbell ring and immediately opening assuming it was my brother who was urgently looking for me.

"Hello." He greeted.

"What was so urgent that you had to delay my 5 AM jog?"

"Makayla I feel like lately she's been ignoring me or something. Has she talked to you about me?"


"Toni I'm blood.. come on tell me!" He urged as he picked up Ollie who was slowly getting accustomed to the cats he was now roommates with. Even though there was an incident where Ollie was almost attacked by Meredith.

"Look Makayla is like my sister but she did not tell me anything." I replied and that did not seem to ease my brothers thoughts.

"Nothing?" He asked again.

"Have you been clingy? She doesn't like clingy." I replied.

"No.. I've literally given her so much space and it's like she's avoiding me.. I mean it's like she's sneaking off in the middle of the night. Always on the phone talking and she doesn't even pay attention to me unless we're having sex."

"Stop stop!"

"Do not finish that sentence!" I urged.

"Is everything ok?" Taylor questioned as she descended from the steps.

"Little Ry Ry is having problems with Makayla." I teased.

"Hey I didn't tell Taylor about the conversations we had."

"What conversations?" She asked lookin between the two of us.

"Nothing it was just about admitting my feelings to you and like how I was scared about how you were scared about us and all the speculation but that was months ago. Before we actually declared we were a couple."

"Yeah back when she was in love with you while you were dating Tom. I mean oh my god she was like a lovesick puppy. Taylor this Taylor that, her ocean blue eyes staring into mine make me feel lost in time. I wanna feel her classic red lipstick-"

"Since when did you have no filter!" I yelled and Taylor and Ryder started laughing.

"Since I started dating your best friend who is seemingly ignoring me.."

"Maybe it's because she's doing a bunch of work you know for my next few projects." I said.

"No no this has been going on since like early November like when you disappeared."

"Aww she missed me." I smiled.

"At least she cares ano it you." Ryder sighed.

"Alright bye I'm going to focus my sorrows back on our father who is on the brink of death."

"Good I hope you enjoy yourself." I said as I followed Ryder to the door and shut it on him only to turn back to see a disappointed Taylor.

"He's your brother, you shouldn't let him just go be miserable." Taylor sighed.

"He's my brother so I should let him." I replied and Taylor started shaking her head at me and I before I went to open the door back up I said, "Remind me to ask Austin if you ever met him soak in his sorrows."

When I opened the door I saw Ryder standing at the door with a smile on his face.

"I hate you."

"No you don't." He replied.

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