Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


Sighing, I sat across from Kai while eating my food as he stared at me incredulously. How was I going to explain that I saw him bathing himself than masturbating? And in turn, I grew horny from seeing him do that so I started masturbating to him masturbating. To top things off, we just masturbated in front of each other. Spooning some more Sfram soup into my mouth, I couldn't help but think about his cock. I had been curious when we first met whether or not it was the same shade. It was a slightly lighter orange but it was bigger than the ones the farm hands had. I thought to myself while nodding. He had length and girth. It would definitely fit between my l-

"—taking you back." Was what pulled me from my thoughts as I looked up at Kai. He was staring at me intensely now, his fun demeanor gone. Tilting my head in confusion, I stared back at him. What did he say and what did he mean by taking me back. "Did you hear what I said?" He inquired as I shook my head as his lips moved beneath his mask a little.  "I said, I'm lost at what to do so I'm taking you back." He repeated as I could feel the frown forming on my face.

"Taking me back where??"

"To my tribe. We can't stay out here much longer or else we'll be trapped in this cavern once the sand storms come in. There's no telling how long those will last." He explained as I continued to frown at him.

"What about my friends? Weren't you originally here to kill us?" I asked as he nodded. "So, why would you take me back to your tribe when there's a high possibility that I could be killed?! Am I supposed to just leave my friends out there to die when we've made it this far?!" I shouted while standing to my feet with the blanket wrapped firmly around me. I was seething.

"Lily, my tribe will not hurt you." He softly stated while looking up at me. "I won't be able to search for your friends as it's too risky for the both of us. I want you to be safe." He added as worry filled his voice slowly crushing my anger. "I will not let any harm come to you. That I promise." Staring at him, I sighed while sitting back down and pushing my bowl aside.

"Only under a few conditions." I started while raising my hand. "One, that once the sandstorms have passed, we'll look for my friends. And two, you'll keep your word." I explained as he nodded in agreement. "Pinky promise it." I added while walking a little closer towards him before sticking out my pinky as he held his right hand out. He looked confused at my gesture before I entwined our pinky fingers. "You can't break this promise now that you've pinky promised me." I informed as he quietly laughed while gently spreading my fingers against his, palm to palm. His hand was a little bit bigger than mine though my fingers were thinner and longer.

"I'm not sure what a pinky promise is but I'll keep my word." He nodded while looking up at me as I smiled down at him.

"A pinky promise is a serious deal. It was the only way to keep someone from breaking their promises. I used to always make them with my brother and my sister." I explained while sitting down next to Kai and thinking back to them. I could clearly see the smile on my younger sister's face as she'd wave at me from the driveway of our house. She'd be walking down it from getting dropped off by the school bus with our baby brother on her back.

"Would you tell me about your family?" He asked, pulling me from that memory as I looked up at him. He looked sincere with his question as I softly smiled while nodding. I leaned on him while closing my eyes.

"I had a mother and two younger siblings, a brother and a sister. I was the oldest. My sister was just a few years younger than me while my brother was maybe a decade younger than me. My mother was as sweet as can be yet she could be strict when she needed to be." I laughed while thinking of the times she would tell us about the birds and the bees constantly. "We lived on a farm where we grew different kinds of crops throughout the year depending on the season. We had help from a few people that my mom hired but besides that, it was just us." I explained while listening to Kai’s breathing. "But, happy times only last so long." I quietly sighed while shaking my head as Kai pulled me into his arms, much to my surprise.

"You don't have to explain the painful parts if you don't want to. I'll listen when you're ready." He soothed while just holding me as I sighed, wiping away at the tears that had formed. Sighing, I patted his arm as he softly mumbled something.

"Thank you, Kai." I sighed while still leaning on him. "If we're going back to your tribe, will I have clothes to wear outside of this cavern?" I asked as he gasped underneath me.

"I almost forgot about that. Yes, you'll have something similar to what I wear. I always carry extra just in case. I'll tailor it to fit you as best as we can until we get back to my tribe." He explained while rubbing my back as I hummed a reply.

"You're going to tailor it?" I questioned as he hummed back in reply this time. "Would I have to be naked or clothed? Or would you prefer I just wear what I have on now when you get me fitted?" I inquired as I could hear his heartbeat picking up at my teasing.

"You're going to give me a heart attack now." He quietly grumbled as I looked up at his dark red face while laughing. Kai was so adorable.

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