Chapter 25

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Chapter 25


The days flew by in a flash as we stayed homebound, fucking in different places and positions in the house. From being ass up in his bed to being fucked on the large fridge in the kitchen, we did and tried everything. We were rough, tender, and loving.

I stared into Kaisen's eyes from my twisted position between him and the counter as he slowly thrusted into me. With his hand on my neck, his kissed me as I moaned against his lips. "Kaisen." I breathed out between kisses as he started speeding up, a gasp escaping me as he pushed one of my legs up onto the counter. He was going deeper now as I could feel him hitting that one spot. I was so close now. I thought to myself as the hand he had on my throat slid under my blouse before he took my nipple between his fingers, squeezing and teasing them. I bit back a moan as he started kissing down the back of my neck before biting me while pumping faster.

"Lily." He breathed out through pants while leaning his head down on me as I gripped at the counter before coming undone while Kai kept going. My body jerked again as another one hit me harder than the one before as Kai shot his hot seed into me. I melted against Kai as he held me close while kissing my head and whispering how much he loves me. Once he made sure I was okay to stand on my own, he slowly stepped back while grabbing a clean cloth from one of the cabinets nearby. I watched him through hazy eyes as my hearing slowly began to come back to me. He gently wiped my face with the cool cloth as I sighed in content while he stared at me. I hummed in questioning before he smiled at me. "Would you like me to clean you up?" He asked while stepping closer to me with this heated look in his eyes again as I quietly laughed before shaking my head.

"No, I can do it. You have to go see your dad today." I smiled back while taking the cloth from his hand before kissing him as he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. "Go on ahead and get going. We'll finish what we started tonight." I quietly laughed while resting my hands on his bare chest as he huffed in annoyance before nodding. He slowly  released me with much reluctance before scooping up our discarded clothes. We had been awake for a little bit before Kai made it his mission to take me on the counter. I had just washed up before Kai woke up which led to him still taking me on the counter. As I was about to leave the kitchen, Kai greeted me at the doorway with nothing on.

"Will you be okay here by yourself for a little while I see what dad needs?" He asked with worry on his face as I smiled up at him and nodded. He sighed before pulling me into his arms again as I leaned against him. "It's weird that he wants me to come see him during mating season. Even though mom passed awhile back, he still goes through the same thing as me but maybe a little less feral." Kai informed me as I looked up at him in surprise.

"Don't you think that's a little weird? What if what they brought back wasn't your mom? What if she's still alive out there somewhere?" I asked as Kaisen gently stroked my hair before kissing my forehead.

"If what you say is true, I hope she comes back safely." He mumbled as I sighed before ushering him towards the stairs. "Okay okay, I'm going." He smiled not before kissing me softly.

"When you get back, we'll talk about this." I pointed at my mechanical arm that had vines swirling through the gears. I hadn't noticed that they were there until a few days ago when we were bathing together. The vines never stopped the arm from functioning but it started to feel like I never lost my arm. I could feel everything. Kaisen nodded while heading up the stairs as I stared after him before going to clean myself up. By the time I was finished and fully dressed in a white flowy dress, Kaisen was waiting for me in the foyer. He gently caressed my face before kissing me again.

"I'm off." He sighed as I walked him out before closing and locking the door. Sighing, I quickly undid the mechanical arm before heading out the backdoor towards Kai's workshop. As I crossed through the backyard, the kids from the Tiocraven tribe waved at me as I smiled in their direction before entering the workshop. I quickly headed over towards the red button Kai told me about before placing the arm down there so that he can see it when he comes back. Sighing, I walked back out and joined the kids as they started playing tag. It was a little hard to keep up with them since they were so full of energy but Nisa helped me out a lot.

Just as we were about to start another round, something felt off. The plants all around us were becoming distressed, something was coming towards our home. Quickly turning towards the children I ushered them towards the fence as they picked up on my anxiety. "Hide, okay? Don't come out and don't make any sound." I told them as some of the older children nodded their heads while pulling the younger ones and Nisa into the bushes as I quickly walked away from them so that whatever was coming wouldn't know. As I stood in the center of the yard, an unfamiliar figure rounded the side of the house while walking quickly in my direction. "Do you need something?" I asked politely as I tried to see beneath their dark hood that almost covered their entire face.

"Yeah." The rough voice spoke before running up on me as I quickly backed away. As I was about to turn and run, he pulled my right side into him before a sharp pain cut through my side as I doubled over towards him, my hand touching his cloak. "You were supposed to have died like the others." He growled into my ear as I slowly began to grow weaker before I patted his shoulder, releasing spores onto his cloak.

"Well, I'm still alive." I breathed as he laughed before throwing me onto the ground. Just as he was about to turn and leave, he stopped mid step before squatting down to take off my telecommunicator as I weakly fought back against him. "You can't take this!" I shouted as he ripped it off my hand just as the alarm started blaring. Looking up, I was surprised to see Nisa standing in the doorway to Kai's workshop.

"You fucking brat!" He yelled as more people in dark cloaks started to round the house while the one in front of me ran towards Nisa.

"No! Run, Nisa!" I screamed while raising my hand towards the man as roots shot up from the ground surrounding him. Nisa looked scared but she kept her eyes on me. "Run, Nisa!" I shouted again as she took off toward the woods while a few others followed her. I slowly tried to push myself up off of the ground as my head spun. It felt like it had gotten colder. What was going on? I thought to myself while touching my right side as warmth covered my hand. Slowly examining it, the smell reached my nose before I saw it. He stabbed me. I thought to myself, not noticing the figure approaching me or the sound surrounding me.

"Lilium. Lilium!" Haimo shouted as I stared up at him before smiling. "We need to get you out of here!" He shouted over the alarm as I quietly looked around at the chaos around us. People just like Haimo's were attacking the people in the black cloaks and in the distance I could hear an angry mob coming our way. "Fuck, Kai's going to kill me but we need to get your wound looked at." Haimo stated before picking me up and running as I leaned on him, cold and tired now.

"What happened to Nisa and the children?" I asked while looking up at him as he looked down at me with worry in his eyes.

"They made it back to the tribe safely thanks to you. You're going to be okay, Lilium." He consoled as I smiled up at him while feeling the warmth radiating from his fur.

"You're so warm, Haimo." I sighed while leaning more into him as my eyes started to close on their own. "Make sure you tell Kai that I really do love him." I smiled as I couldn't keep myself awake much longer while Haimo's voice seemed to grow more distant. I might have told Kai that I loved him in the heat of the moment, but I actually really do love him.

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