Chapter 35

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Chapter 35


Everything seemed to have slowly fallen back in place. Rowan seemed more lively every time I visited him. We eventually caught Sihea when she was free and told her the same thing we told Rowan. She cried as well but she asked more and more questions about them both. I thought all would be peaceful now but it just seemed to get busier. For the past few days, I've been waking up to an empty bed and my breakfast already made and in the fridge. Kaisen was nowhere in sight. I had asked Rowan and Sihea had they seen Kaisen at all but I was met by curious looks as well.

"You seem to be in deep thought. What's troubling you?" Vaeh asked while taking a sip of his drink. I had come to visit him to express my condolences to him and his family only to be hugged and invited in for a drink in their sitting area.

"It's Kaisen. I thought everything would be okay now but for the past few days, it feels like we haven't even had the chance to be together. He's never home when I wake up but I know he's there when I fall asleep because I can feel his cool touch." I explained while staring down at the light purple liquid in the cup that Vaeh had poured me when I first arrived.

"That reminds me of Elgen." Vaeh quietly laughed as I looked up at him before he smiled at me. "I'm sure you've heard of how we met. Another being falling from the sky into the arms of the future tribe leader." Amusement filled his dark green eyes as I nodded. "Well, I was kidnapped from my own planet. The part about falling out of the sky pretty much disguised the fact that I had escaped their ship. I had basically stumbled off of the ship with how much drugs they had pumping through my system. I couldn't see nor could I tell what was up or down. My wings were just flailing behind me but surprisingly Elgen caught me. I broke his arm upon our landing but he was okay with it." He quietly laughed again, reminiscing about the past. "But, that's not the point. When he brought me back to the tribe, we stayed together for awhile, completely inseparable. Just like you and Kaisen but he started to disappear for days on end as well."

"He wasn't cheating, was he?" I asked, scared to hear the answer as Vaeh surprised me by laughing.

"One thing I've learned about the Apiazans here, once they find out you're their mate, they're obsessed. Nobody can pair up to their mate. Elgen wasn't cheating, he was planning. It took him longer than necessary to get everything arranged because you know the whole falling out of the sky thing." He laughed while waving his hands as I stared at him in confusion. "You know I was always confused by the whole sacred ceremonies and rituals. I thought the latter was some type of killer thing where they sacrificed us to some higher being or something. But, it's not. In fact, it's the joining of two mates. I didn't know anything about it but Elgen finally popped back up after a few days, all hot and sweaty. He kept apologizing about not being here but he got all excited and wanted to know if I'd be his."

"So, you think Kaisen might be planning our sacred ritual?" I asked as Vaeh just smiled at me.

"He could. But, you'll have to wait until he comes to you. Once they get started, it's hard to find them." He explained as I nodded while finally taking a sip of the purple liquid. Surprisingly, it was sweet with a soft tangy aftertaste and went down smoothly. It kind of tasted like some type of caramel flavor with honey. "Do you like it?" Vaeh asked with a delighted expression as I nodded.

"I do. It tastes lovely and I love how smooth it goes down."

"If you want, I can teach you a few of my recipes and show you what plants I use." He suggested as I nodded happily.

I spent the rest of the day learning from Vaeh. He expressed that even though he seems happy, he's still mourning the loss of his mate. He explained how when Elgen was dying, he told Vaeh to not cry over him and that he'd be waiting for him. I cried when he told me that and just hugged him. Elgen had been stabbed repeatedly upon stepping out his front door with Vaeh behind him. He admitted that he hadn't been out in the village since that incident and was receiving therapy at home while his oldest son took charge of the village in his father's spot.

"It looks like it's getting late." Vaeh smiled while peering up at the lights that began to grow brighter. We were currently standing in Vaeh's large garden behind his house where he was showing and giving me different types of plants.

"I guess I'll get going. Will it be okay if I come visit you again?" I asked as Vaeh smiled and nodded at me. "I'll provide the snacks and drinks next time. Thank you for having me over." I smiled back as Vaeh handed me a bag of plants with some seeds at the bottom.

"The pleasure is mine. It's so good to have somebody over besides the healer. I feel better after spending time chatting and laughing with you." He smiled while hugging me before leading me towards the gate. "Do you know your way home?" He asked as I nodded. "Be safe and come visit me again." He waved as I began my trip home. A few Apiazans littered the streets, some chatting while others laughed and enjoyed each other's company. Softly smiling, I quietly stepped on the trail leading into the forest of trees. Breathing in the pine scent wafting around me, I almost missed the sound of running footsteps in my direction. As I quickly turned to see who it was, I was swept up into the air, closing my eyes before a scream tore through me.

"It's okay, my love. It's me." The soothing voice quickly called out as I slowly opened my eyes while staring up at him.

"What the fuck, Kaisen?" I frowned up at him as he looked down at me with an unreadable look in his eyes. "You disappear for a few days and now you pop up out of nowhere, giving me a heart attack." I breathed as I finally noticed his appearance. He looked worn out and exhausted. "What happened to you?" I asked while pulling my hand free of the bag before gently touching his face.

"I'm sorry, my love. I didn't mean to anger you." He apologized as I felt like the biggest bitch in the world. Kaisen looked like a sad haggard puppy who was being scolded for wanting love and attention. "I had to finish up some things. I'll put you down now." He quietly stated while slowly lowering me to the ground as I really wanted to kick myself. Before I could even open my mouth to say anything, he quietly took the bag out of my hand while slowly leading the way home. What was supposed to be a short walk turned into a long awkward walk home. Quietly grasping his hand, I was surprised when he laced our fingers together.

"I should be the one apologizing. I'm sorry, Kai. I've just been on edge since you left and I shouldn't have put all of that on you." I admitted while looking down at my feet as Kai kissed the top of my head. As I looked up at him in surprise, he leaned down and kissed me.

"I understand, my love. I'll tell you about everything once I finish but tomorrow, I want to take you somewhere when the big star is going down." He smiled while kissing my forehead. How could I have gotten mad at such a sweet and caring guy? "For now, we should get cleaned up and off to bed since we'll be busy tomorrow. We should be back home in time, if not, we'll have everything we need to stay out." He explained as I nodded, curious to where we were going.

"I'll cook us dinner while you take a bath." I suggested as we walked into the foyer, the lights flickering on with our presence. As I was about to head off into the house, Kai gently pulled me back against his chest. My back leaned against him while his arms wrapped around my waist.

"We can cook later, come bathe with me." He mumbled into my hair as butterflies flew around my stomach. His voice was now huskier and he seemed to not want to move. "Won't you, my love?" He questioned while nuzzling the side of my head as I nodded.

"Yeah, let's go take a bath."

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