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grab tissues!

"I'M WHAT?!!!" Nanon couldn't believe what he just heard. It was too early for him to experience fatherhood. Let alone carrying a child on his weak body. How was he supposed to bear all this?

Ohm who was sitting beside Nanon couldn't help but to smile and chuckle sheepishly as he couldn't contain his excitement to become a dad soon. It was so unreal he felt like he was living in a dream. They just got married (forcefully), fought almost everyday and reunited like some sort of evangelic stuff happening between them. But look at them now, happily married and getting a child of their own soon.

Only Nanon wasn't sure if this was even a right thing. His condition itself wasn't that good of a health, how was he supposed to take care of a human being inside his womb? He, himself being depressed for knowing he'll probably going to die soon, how was he supposed to embrace a child into his arms like his?


Nanon's tears made its way out. Causing Tay, who was standing at another side of bed looking worried for his son. "Pumpkin? You're alright?"

Nanon sobbed. He rubbed his eyes while crying like a baby. This looked funny to Ohm he almost laughed because Nanon was too big to be crying like that, but he thought he actually knew the reason why the younger suddenly burst into tears.

"I'm scared—hiksss." Nanon said, lips trembling. Hands shaking still, even from covering his face. Ohm took those hands firmly, rubbing them gently.

"You don't have to be scared. We're here. We'll take care of you and the baby too." Ohm said, smiling like a puppy. Trying his best to cheer his husband up so he could smile again. Although sometimes, smile was the last thing Nanon would do.

"What if I couldn't get it grow? What if I couldn't give you the baby? What if—"

Nanon couldn't finish his words when Ohm kissed him instantaneously. Tay and New looking elsewhere but their two sons. Sharing a passionate kiss together just so they could stop all the what ifs theory.

Ohm assured Nanon with his soft lips pressing against Nanon's. Letting Nanon felt at ease and forget his misery. When it was time to part the kiss, Ohm rubbed Nanon's cheeks, wiping away the tears. "We'll make it through. I can't wait to see him." Ohm gently rubbing his palm on Nanon's tummy to feel the little angel that aas growing inside Nanon.

Nanon looking puzzled at Ohm. Then again, he looked at both his dad and papa. "It's a boy? How did you know? Isn't it too early?"

"Well, I want a boy. Hehe." Ohm said, assuming the gender would be a male because why not.

Nanon curved a smile. A mischievous one. "Ohm, don't be such a dork." Nanon pulled Ohm's nose causing the older to flinch. But Ohm quickly ignored Nanon and tickling the younger just so Nanon could feel happy again. Now there they were, laughing like they didn't just had a heartfelt moment.

Tay and New felt like they were just witnessing a dramatic yet beautiful story of their two amazing sons who were nothing but flawed humans who tend to make mistakes and bound to make them everyday yet tried to better themselves.

Be it Ohm or Nanon, neither were perfect and strong. But together, they complement each other going through the thick and thins of a marriage life. Happy or not, they knew they'll find happiness only when they seek for it and look for life on the bright side.

Of course it was all a plan since the beginning. Mew and Gulf wanted Ohm to marry the Vihokratanas' son as they were close business partners. Their company coudn't be saved and their only son had to live in poverty. Tay couldn't trace Ohm's whereabouts and he almost couldn't fulfil his old friends' wish. But somehow, destiny finds its way that maybe there was a sliver of hope after all.

Cancer was nothing when love beats everything.

Now that Ohm's heart wasn't beating for Nanon's but his child too, he didn't regret himself getting beaten up by Nanon the first day they met. It was a traumatizing event in his life but it changed everything. The important thing is now, today, tomorrow. Devour it. He wanted to be with Nanon for how long the world let him to.

And Nanon? Well, Nanon. He had so much ahead of him. He was just a broken young teenager, who thought he could be straight enough to not be gay again and fell in love just so he wouldn't break anyone's heart.

Until, he met Ohm Pawat.


i wanna cry but im trying so hard not to cry. its so realistic i wanna lose my fucking mind!!!! aaaaaaaa

do you guys want a season 2????? or just leave it at that???? i would really love to see how ohm and nanon raised their child in the future!!!!

let me know in the comments! give me your thoughts and opinions! i hope you enjoy reading this story as much as i enjoy writing it!!!

should i open a q&a session with ohm and nanon??? so, you'll get to know them personally!!! i'll call them if you guys want!!! ohmnanon in this universe is very friendly guys! don't worry! they're famous too, okay?!!


until thennnn, goodbye!!! thank you so much for staying and loving this story! what ohmnanon story should i make next?!!!

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