10. Willas

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'My Lord,' a man came in pulling neds attention to the door. 'your grace, the queen.' he announced before walking away and the queen walked in.

'Your Grace.' Ned said stiffly.

'you're missing your tournament' cersei reminded him.

'Just because it's in my name does not make it mine.' Ned told her.

'Of course,' she agreed looking around the Hand's office.

'I thought we might put what happened on the Kings Road behind us,' Cersei offered 'the argument with the wolves... the need to kill the beast was extreme.' she admitted 'but sometimes we go to extremes when I children not concerned. How is Sansa?'

'Well she likes it here' ned admitted.

'It seems she is the only stark that does, she favors the south like her mother not much of the north and her-' ceresi went on.

'What are you doing here?'

'I might ask the same of you.' Cersei said taking threatening steps forward her heels clicking on the ground 'what is it you hope to accomplish?'

'The king called on me to serve him and the realm and that is what I will do until he tells me otherwise.' Ned informed her.

'You can't change him you can't help him.' Cersei informed him 'he will do what he wants what he's only ever done. You will do your best to pick up the pieces.'

'If that is my job then so be it.' Ned said confidently.

'You were just a soldier, you take your orders and you carry on. I suppose it makes sense your older brother was charged to lead and you were charged to follow.' Cersei mocked

'I was also trying to kill my enemies your grace.'

'As was I.' she informed him before turning away mischievous look in her eyes.


'Good Lord who is that?' Sansa questioned Petyr as the competitors in the tournament rode forward.

'That is ser Gregor Clegane they call him the mountain.' Petyr told her 'the hounds older brother'

'And his opponent?'

'Sir hugh of the veil,' Petyr told her as both opponents came forward bowing before the king 'he was Jon Arryn's squire'

'Yes yes enough of the bloody pomp,' Robert said 'have at it,' he said leaning lazily back in his chair. Both riders took their places at the opposite end of the jousting arena the horn blew and both men took off their jousting spears pointed at each other's faces. They missed, they turned around to begin again this time however Gregor did not miss. His lance speared Ser Hugh in the throat and he came colliding to the ground. Blood spewed from his neck as part of the lance was lodged in his throat he spewed for breath before he breathed his last.

'Not what you were expecting?' Petyr asked 'has anyone ever told you the story of the mountain and the hound?' He glanced back at sandor. 'a lovely little tale of brotherly love.' Sansa glance back at Sandor as well 'the hound,' Petyr went on 'was just a pup six years old maybe Gregor a few years older but he was already getting a bit of a reputation some people said that the boy was just born with a talent for violence. One evening Gregor found his little brother playing with a toy by the fire Gregor's toy. A wooden knight. Gregor never said a word he just grabbed his brother by the scruff of his neck and shoved his face into the burning coals held him there while the boy screamed, and his face melted...' he smirked over at a scared sansa. 'There aren't very many people that know that story'

'I won't tell anyone I promise.' sansa assure shim slightly terrified

'No please don't.' Petyr said 'if the hound so much as heard you mention it I'm afraid all the knights and kings landing would not be able to save you.'

'You alright?" Thea questioned, it had been a joust such as this that Willas was injured she saw him running his hand along his thigh as though reliving the memory as she watched.

"Yeah,' he said letting out a shaky breath, Thea grabbed his hand. 'Thanks Thea.'

'I can be a bitch to everyone else but you are my brother.' Thea reminded him. 'you come first.'

'Thank you thea.' He held tight to her hand, Sandor stared down at them as the next battle began.

'Where is arya?' Ned question finally getting to the joust

'At her dancing lessons.' Sansa answered. 'The knight of the flowers...' sansa said happily as ser loras approached he held out a rose for her she took it gratefully 'thank you ser loras.' They bowed before the king ser Loras on a white steed while Gregor was on a black horse. Gregor's horse started to whine and complain he rode off ill tempered as Gregor try to stable him.

'Don't let Ser Gregor hurt him.' Sansa begged 'I can't watch' Ned tried to comfort his daughter.

'100 gold dragons on the mountain.' petyr called back to Renly.

'I'll take that.' Renly said pleasantly

'Now what will I do with 100 gold dragons Dornish wine or a girl from the pleasure houses?' Petyr questioned.

'You can even buy yourself a friend.' Renly suggested.

'He is going to die!' Sansa told her father

'He's going to try to win.' Ned told her the horn blew and they were off. Charging at one another Loras, lance got ser Gregor, he collapse to the ground into the fence breaking it.

'Such a shame little finger it would've been so nice for you to have a friend.' Renly told him.

'And tell me Renly when will you be having your friend?' Petyr taunted gesturing to loras, Petyr turned back to sansa and Ned. 'Loras knew his horse was in heat.' Petyr told sansa.

'He would never do that there is no honor in that in honor in tricks.' Sansa assured him.

'No honor but quite a bit of gold' Petyr told her leaning back but Gregor was not happy about it he threw down his helmet screaming out as Loras approached the victor.

'Sword!' Gregor screamed out as everyone cheered. Gregor was given a sword and he chopped his own horses head clean off with one swing and the horses head severed and fell to the ground, Gregor kept going. Gregor came at Loras knocking him down again and again. Loras's shield was not strong enough to fend off against Gregor but Sandor jumped forward. Thea jumped in her seat, she adored horses and seeing its head come clean off, seeing sandor run forward to attack the man, to stop him, she felt sheer panic run through her.

'Leave him be!' Sandor declared dueling off against his brother. Gregor charged at Sandor, a wicked look in his eyes. Thea fisted her dress nervously as she watched unable to tear her eyes away.

'Stop this madness in the name of the king!' Robert demanded and Sandor dropped to a knee, bowing down. Gregor's blade swinging at Sandor just barely missing his head. Sandor looked up to her, her mouth a gasp as Sandor kneeled, Gregor stomped off. 'Let him go.' Robert declared as Gregor stormed off the kings guard stepped aside Robert nodded to Sandor and he rose up.

'I owe you my life ser.' Laros said coming up to sandor frazzled.

'I'm no ser,' Sandor told him but ser loras raised Sandor's hand and declared him the Victor of the tournament. The crowd erupted in cheers Sandor didn't like the attention but he liked the way Thea was looking at him. He stared at her as he moved back to his post she stared at him as he tried not to look at her but her mouth gaped open her eyes scanned his face, she was worried about him. He glanced over at her and nodded once before turning forward again. Slowly Thea turned forward.

'I'm not feeling well.' Thea told Willas.

"Me either.' He admitted. 'lets go.'

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