69. Warm me up

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'Oh sweet warmth!" thea declared collapsing once the gates of the wall opened up. She stared up at Tyrion and Daenerys. 'What are you doing here?' Thea questioned sitting up. Tyrion opened his mouth but Thea waved a hand. "No important.' She told him looking to who she assumed was Daenerys,t he dragon queen. White hair, resting bitch face, seemed the type. 'You the dragon lady?' Thea questioned.

"Daenerys Stormborn, of hourse Targaryen the breaker of-'

'Yeah, yeah.' Thea said getting up. 'The guy found a white walker, they got him but there are more coming. So much more coming. You need to help them.' Thea begged gasping for breath. Daenerys headed off and Thea fell to the ground, Tyrion stared down at her.

'Hello Thea.' Tyrion said and her eyes slowly opened.

'Tyrion.' She answered. 'I heard your bitch sister killed my family.'

'I killed my father if that helps.' Tyrion told her.

"It doesn't.' Thea told him flatly, still laying flat on her back, a deadly glare as she stared up at him.

'I am glad to see you are alright.' Tyrion offered.

"I heard you got married.' Thea remarked a smirk pulling at her frozen lips. 'Poor girl.'

'Yes well she ran away from me as well.' Tyrion told her and Thea chuckled.

"You just really don't have luck with the ladies do you?" thea mused getting up.

"I guess I don't.' Tyrion agreed. 'Your family was worried about you... before.'

'Before your sister belw up the sept and killed everyone I loved with the same wild fire you used that drove sandor away.' Thea told him simply. 'Whats with you people and fire?' she sneered.

"I am sorry for you losses.' Tyrion told her.

'Sorry doesn't bring them back.' Thea told him as she marched off.


Fire rained down from the sky. Daenerys. The mother of dragons had arrived. She gave them a circle of protection with the fire, her dragons killing walkers around them. She offered jon a hand but he needed to kill more of them. They were not stopping. Daenerys reached out for him. But jon kept fighting.

'GO!" Jon shouted. Dany took flight not sparing him a second glance.

The night king approached watching them leave on their dragon. The night king readied his spear and launched it at one of the dragons, the dragon collapsed to the ground disappearing in the water. Dany watched her child fall. Her other two dragons screaming out for their brother.

Dany dropped them off at the wall, they were to head to kings landing next. But Dany needed a moment to grieve the loss of her dragon, her child.


Sandor sliding off a dragons back might have been the sexiest thing thea had ever seen.

'Wow a dragon rider.' Thea remarked pulling him to her. 'A man of adventure and mystery.' She kissed him as he lifted her into his arms.

'Warm me up.' he requested as her legs tightened around him.

'With pleasure.' Thea said confidently a warm hand slipping to find his cold chest. Tyrion watched the two, confused and frustrated. He was destined to die alone.

'Where is snow?" Tyrion asked coming up to them.

'He kept fighting.' Sandor told him not letting go of thea.

'He kept fighting?" Tyrion repeated.

'that's what I fucking said.' Sandor grumbled. But shouts for help were soon hear from the wall. Jon was riding a horse, well slung over the horse's back, he didn't look conscious.

'I was worried about you.' Thea remarked.

'Yeah?' Sandor questioned softly.

'Where is Thoros?'

'Bear bite got him.' Sandor remarked and Thea nodded. 'God I want you.' Sandor grumbled against her.

'then you're going to have to kiss me like you fuck me." His eyes searched hers.

"How do I fuck you?" She jumped up and wrapped her legs around his waist, forcing him to hug her to his body. "

'Like your life depends on it." Thea kissed him again and Sandor held nothing back. She loved the exhilaration she felt every time he claimed a part of her body with such unapologetic desire. A desire that felt like something much more than want. It was a need that brought her to life with a mind-numbing shot of anticipation and a heart-pounding jolt of fear.

"I want you," she breathed as his lips and tongue stroked her neck. He occupied her body.

Jons clothing was peeled from his body. Crunching and breaking as the frozen clothing was removed.

'Im sorry' jon said when he woke up 'im so sorry-' he told dany

'The dragons are my children the only children I will ever have. we are going to destroy the night king and his army, we will do it together do you have my word.' Dany told him

'I'm sorry Dany, still.' Jon told her.

'the last person to call me dany was my brother perhaps a different nickname.' She suggested.

'how about my queen?' dany smiled nodding finally he bent the knee.


The ship rocked and swayed underneath them as sandor kicked the cabin door shut.

Thea let out a moan, and he sunk deep into her. His thrusts powerful more than before and she was grinding herself against him, keeping up with his rhythm. His groans were not loud compared to the moans she was giving. His lips found her again and they both indulged in their breaths and tastes. His hand touching her almost everywhere, grabbing whatever he can find and her nails scratching his back, pulling him closer with each thrust. Each thrust was more sensual and intimate than ever. That spot he was hitting was strangely getting too sensitive and before she knew it, she spasmed hitting a wave of pleasure that left her breathless. He stopped kissing her when she let out breathless moans, kissing her neck and nibbling down her earlobe. She was clenching him tightly he couldn't pull out, he filled her as he clawed into him. Keeping his body in her, his lips on her. If they survived this Thea wanted him forever. 

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